fredag 30 juni 2023
Latest news
Geert Vanden Wijngaert / AP
EU chief: ECB doesn't need to worry about Russian seizures
The ECB does not have to worry about financial markets and the euro being hurt by the EU's plans to use frozen Russian assets. This was said by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen at a press conference when the EU summit ended on Friday, according to several media outlets.
She maintained that the EU should continue to work for a tax on profits on the returns from the state Russian assets of more than 200 billion euros that have been frozen, writes the Financial Times.
von den Leyen pointed out that it has been a year since the EU and G7 froze the assets of the Russian central bank and that the markets are still taking it easy.
- It indicates a great understanding of the cautious stance that we have chosen, said the EU chief.
Russian invasionGlobal food crisis
Russia is strengthening its grip on the world's wheat supply
Russia has strengthened its position in the world wheat market after the invasion of Ukraine, increasing the Kremlin's influence over the global food supply. It also gives the country greater political influence and more hard currency, reports Bloomberg.
In the coming season, Russian wheat will account for about one-fifth of all wheat exported by sea, according to the United States Department of Agriculture.
Meanwhile, Ukraine, often described as the breadbasket of Europe, is expected to have halved its market share to just 5 percent as a result of the war.
Russia exported about 100 billion kroner worth of grain annually before the war, according to UN data. Key buyers are countries in the Middle East and North Africa, which have not imposed sanctions against Russia.
The Koran burnings
Magnus Ranstorp, Associate Professor at the Center for Asymmetric Threat and Terrorism Studies at the University of Defense. Jonas Ekströmer/TT
The Koran burnings
Terrorist researcher: The most serious security situation in a long time
It has been a long time since Sweden was in such a serious security situation as it is now, according to terrorism researcher Magnus Ranstorp.
- When there is so much talk and focus on Sweden in negative terms and emotions are so played up, the security situation becomes much more serious, he says in Studio Ett in P1, referring to the recent Koran burnings.
The security police now have to work faster and harder, notes Ranstorp. In addition, long-term work is underway to reduce conflict levels and try to establish a dialogue to explain the situation in Sweden, he says.
Sofia Bard and discussion about the Koran burning on social media Magnus Liam Karlsson
SI: The Koran burning can change the image of Sweden
The world's view of Sweden is at risk of changing as a result of the burning of the Koran in Stockholm, states the Swedish Institute. At least in the parts of the world where the matter is debated.
- Until lunchtime today, there had been approximately 600,000 posts on social media and media about the event in the channels we follow, says Sofia Bard, head of the institute's unit for Sweden image analysis, to TT.
According to Bard, the discussion of the incident was initially conducted in Arabic, but by Friday more and more was being written in English.
Sofia Bard believes that the image of Sweden is changing slowly and that the usual image is that Sweden is an equal country where different cultures and religions are respected.
- But if this type of message is spread, there is a risk that the image of Sweden will be affected in the countries where this is spread.
Det var länge sedan Sverige befann sig i ett så allvarligt säkerhetsläge som nu, enligt terrorforskaren Magnus Ranstorp.
– När det pratas och fokuseras så mycket på Sverige i negativa termer och känslorna är så uppspelta så blir säkerhetsläget mycket mer allvarligt, säger han i Studio Ett i P1 och syftar på den senaste tidens koranbränningar.
Säkerhetspolisen får nu jobba snabbare och hårdare, konstaterar Ranstorp. Därtill pågår ett långsiktigt arbete med att få ner konfliktnivåerna och försöka få till en dialog för att förklara läget i Sverige, säger han.
Russian invasion
Russian invasion
The Wagner Group and its leader Yevgeny Prigozhin. AP
Russian invasionWagner rebellion
After the Wagner group's move: Ukraine strengthens in the north
After Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of the private army Wagner Group, was transferred to Belarus, Ukraine is strengthening its border with the neighboring country, writes Reuters.
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has instructed Ukrainian commanders to increase defense capabilities throughout northern Ukraine. He does not mention the Wagner group specifically, but states that both the Ukrainian intelligence service and the country's security forces follow developments in Belarus continuously.
As many as 25,000 mercenaries are believed to have been part of the Wagner group in connection with their march on Moscow a week ago.
How many of them subsequently accepted Russian President Vladimir Putin's offer of a future in exile in Belarus is not known.
According to media reports, the Wagner group may have been offered an abandoned military base in the town of Asipovichi, nine miles southeast of the capital Minsk and thirty miles from the Ukrainian border.
Illustration image. Pontus Lundahl/TT/ Alex Babenko/AP
The Russian invasion. The outside world's response
Ukrainian troops from the front rest in Uppsala
A Ukrainian troop from the front has visited Uppsala to recover and gain inspiration, writes SVT Uppsala.
During their visit to the city, the troupe was given a tour of Old Uppsala and a lecture at the University Hospital.
The lecture was about tactical medical care in order to successfully organize the rescue work in the best way according to NATO standards.
- It is good to be able to recharge the batteries, says Igor Hoz from the Ukrainian squad to SVT.
Member of the Wagner group in Rostov-on-Don during the uprising, 24 June. AP
Russian invasionWagner rebellion
BBC: Wagner claims recruiting as usual
The Wagner group continues its recruitment in Russia despite last weekend's failed uprising against the Russian military leadership, the BBC reports.
The BBC has - from a Russian number - called more than ten recruitment centers and asked questions about recruitment on behalf of an alleged brother. All offices stated that recruitment continues as before. Several who answered the phone emphasized that the soldiers sign contracts with the private force, not with the Russian army.
- We are working on. If something had changed, they would have told us, says a female recruiter in Krasnodar in southern Russia.
Wagner forces in the city of Rostov-on-Don. AP
Russian invasionWagner rebellion
NEW: The US urged Ukraine to calm down during the uprising
During the Wagner group's uprising last weekend, the US advised Ukraine against influencing the course of events or exploiting the situation, for example through covert operations in Russia. The New York Times reports.
The purpose of the call was not to give Vladimir Putin a pretext to blame the uprising on the West or Ukraine. The US also did not judge that a Ukrainian operation would affect the goals of the rebellion, but essentially gave Putin a reason to blame the West.
According to the newspaper's information, Ukraine must have followed the American recommendation.
ตำแหน่ง "ประธานสภา"... จุดยืนเพื่อไทย-ก้าวไกล....
12 tim ·
แกนนำพรรคพันธมิตรการเมืองใน “ขั้วเดียวกัน” คาดหวังว่าพรรคก้าวไกล กับ พรรคเพื่อไทย จะหาข้อตกลงร่วมกันได้ ก่อนถึงวันโหวตเลือกประธานสภาผู้แทนราษฎร เพื่อไม่ให้การจัดตั้งรัฐบาล 8 พรรคต้องล่มสลาย
เลขาธิการสภาผู้แทนราษฎรได้ออกหนังสือเชิญ ส.ส. เข้าร่วมประชุมสภาผู้แทนราษฎร ครั้งที่ 1 วันที่ 4 ก.ค. เวลา 09.30 น. มีระเบียบวาระการประชุมคือ การเลือกประธานสภาผู้แทนราษฎร และรองประธานสภาผู้แทนราษฎรทั้ง 2 คน
บีบีซีไทยชวนดูขั้นตอนการเลือกประมุขฝ่ายนิติบัญญัติ และอ่านเรื่องที่เกี่ยวข้อง
เทียบเคียงข้อกฎหมาย กับความเคลื่อนไหวคนการเมืองค่ายต่าง ๆ ใน “ศึกชิงประธานสภา”
เปิดชีวิตทางการเมืองของ ปดิพัทธ์ แคนดิเดตประธานสภาก้าวไกล
เป็นเวลากว่าหนึ่งเดือนที่ความระหองระแหงระหว่างพรรคแกนนำจัดตั้งรัฐบาลอย่างพรรคก้าวไกลและพรรคเพื่อไทยได้เกิดขึ้นเป็นระยะ ๆ โดยเฉพาะปมการชิงตำแหน่งประธานสภาผู้แทนราษฎร
ทว่า พรรคเพื่อไทยกับพรรคก้าวไกลคาดว่าจะได้ข้อสรุปเรื่องนี้ในวันที่ 2 ก.ค. นี้
สรุปเส้นทางสู่ตำแหน่ง "ประธานสภา" พร้อมย้อนดูจุดยืนเพื่อไทย-ก้าวไกลได้ที่
ตรรกแนวคิดของข้าทาสบริวาร "ยุคดิจิทัล 4.0”
2 ชม. ·
จุลเจิม โพสต์ภาพ นักกีฬาวอลเลย์บอลหญิงชู 3 นิ้ว ถามทำเอาใจใคร พร้อมตำหนิ ไม่สมควรเป็นตัวแทนของชาติ เฉลยเป็นภาพเก่าเมื่อ 18 มิ.ย. ส่งซิกตอนแข่งนัดเจอบราซิล
พบนักร้อง นักแต่งเพลงและนักแสดงจำนวนหนึ่ง โพสต์จุดยืนยืนเคารพเพลงเสริญ 'แม้เหลือคนเดียวทั้งโรงเราก็จะยืน' เช่น ดี้ นิติพงษ์ อุ๊ หฤทัย นก สินจัย น็อต วรฤทธิ์ และอาร์ต พศุตม์
4 ชม. ·
ซึ่งเป็นกลุ่มปกป้องสถาบันฯ เปิดรับสมัคร ‘อาสาพิทักษ์ชาติ’ ตั้งเป้า
10,000 คน เพื่อฝึกกำลังพลสำรอง เผยได้แรงบันดาลใจจากกองเสือป่า
สมัยรัชกาลที่ 6
ชาตะวนิช ประธานกลุ่มฯ ประกาศจุดยืนไม่ขวางตั้งรัฐบาล แต่จะปกป้อง
รธน.มาตรา 1 และ กฎหมาย ม.112 ให้ถึงที่สุด อย่างไรก็ตาม จะไม่ใช้ ม.112
Latest news
The Nyans party demonstrates against Koran burnings on Mynttorget outside the Riksdag. Archive image. Christine Olsson/TT
The Koran burnings
The terrorist threat to Sweden may increase after the Koran burning
Terrorist threats against Sweden may increase after the Koran burning in Stockholm, reports Aftonbladet.
- Events like this can be threatening, as we also saw yesterday in Iraq. It can affect individuals within violent Islamism, says Karin Lutz, press secretary at Säpo.
During yesterday, demonstrators entered the Swedish embassy in Baghdad. Right-wing extremist and Islamist-motivated terrorism is judged to be the main terrorist threat to Sweden.
Viktor Orbán and Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in connection with the EU summit. Geert Vanden Wijngaert / AP
Asylum Pact
Migration deadlock in the EU after Polish-Hungarian "mutiny"
Poland and Hungary are protesting against the heavy migration settlement that Sweden has negotiated, reports Politico.
During Thursday's EU summit, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán raised his voice and called the Union's position unacceptable. He was supported by Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. They both threatened to block the meeting's writings on migration in the meeting's final document.
According to Sveriges Radio, Hungary and Poland demanded that the migration issue should require all countries to agree, instead of a qualified majority. This would mean that the decision on a new asylum system is torn up.
Politico writes that the development of events is exactly what all other countries hoped to avoid: A new "mutiny" in the migration issue.
The asylum system has been described as one of the great successes during the Swedish EU presidency.
Children in Islamabad, Pakistan. Rahmat Gul / AP
Political situation in Pakistan
IMF approves emergency loan to Pakistan of 30 billion
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has reached an agreement with Pakistan on an emergency loan of 3 billion dollars, corresponding to roughly 30 billion kroner, international news agencies report.
Pakistan is on the brink of state bankruptcy and the emergency loan - which will be higher than expected but eight months late - is hoped to ease the country struggling with a severe balance of payments crisis and dwindling foreign reserves.
The IMF urges Pakistan to implement reforms in the energy sector and demands that the state refrain from unbudgeted spending. The emergency loan is an extension of a support effort from the IMF of 6.5 billion dollars from 2019 that expired today.
Killed the 17-year-old in Paris
Macron/riots of the night in France. TT
Killed the 17-year-old in Paris
Macron travels home early - calls for new crisis meeting
French President Emmanuel Macron is traveling home early from the EU summit in Brussels, the Élysée Palace announced according to AFP. On Friday, Macron will hold a crisis meeting with the government, the second in two days.
The background is the protests and riots that broke out after 17-year-old Nahel was shot dead by police in connection with a traffic control.
667 people were arrested last night and into the night as riots raged for the third consecutive day. 249 police officers were injured, but none seriously.

Killed the 17-year-old in Paris
Analysis: An intensity not seen since 2005
France is holding its breath as unrest spreads across the country, the BBC's Europe correspondent Katya Adler writes in an analysis.
The riots after the 17-year-old French-Algerian teenager Nahel was shot dead by police are not an unknown phenomenon to the residents, according to Adler. However, the intensity of the emotions is the strongest since 2005, when two young people died after climbing into a transformer plant and being electrocuted after being chased by police.
"As Macron tries to take control of the situation, his far-right nemesis, Marine Le Pen, may benefit, with her tough messages on security and immigration."
Sociology professor Fabien Truong tells Le Monde that young people in marginalized areas identify with Nahel.
- Every single teenager in these areas has experienced negative and violent arguments with the police. Unpleasant and repeated ID checks are humiliating.
torsdag 29 juni 2023
Latest news
Joe Biden speaks out about the verdict. Evan Vucci/AP
America's future
Biden's HD criticism: "It's not a normal court"
US President Joe Biden directs sharp criticism at the country's highest court after they banned the invoking of ethnic minorities - in the US called "affirmative action" - at universities and colleges.
- This is not a normal court, he says according to Bloomberg.
Furthermore, the president expresses "strong, strong disapproval" of the verdict and adds that "this must not be the last word".
On Thursday, the court found that Harvard and the University of North Carolina discriminated against whites and Asian-Americans by giving students from underrepresented minorities priority in admissions. The verdict came down with the support of the six conservatives among HD's nine judges.
It has caused quite an uproar in the United States, and will force many American colleges and universities to overhaul their admissions processes. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.
Archive image. Henry Nicholls / AP
The Russian invasion. The outside world's response
Sources: EU wants to be able to use Russian assets
The EU's leaders have tasked the commission with developing proposals for how frozen Russian assets can be used to rebuild Ukraine, sources say according to Direkt.
Potential measures must take place in accordance with EU legislation, international law and in agreement with the G7, the leaders underlined. This means, among other things, that frozen Russian capital cannot be used, but the alternative of using returns or taxation of the assets has been discussed.
Germany has previously raised legal objections to using frozen Russian assets. During Thursday's summit, fears emerged that the measure risks leading to financial unrest, writes the news agen
Russian Invasion|Russian Reactions
Sergey Surovikin. AP
Russian Invasion|Russian Reactions
Russian silence broken: "Surovikin is not caught"
The top Russian general, Sergei Surovikin, has not been arrested. This is what Aleksej Melnikov, who leads a Russian supervisory authority for detention, writes on Telegram according to CNN.
"My answer is: He is neither in Lefortovo nor any other detention center."
It is the first comment from Russian authorities after sources told several media outlets, both independent Russian and international, that the general had been arrested.
One of them told the Moscow Times that the authorities "seized" Surovikin, who goes by the nickname "General Armageddon", after he sided with Wagner leader Prigozhin during the weekend revolt.
CNN has also obtained documents indicating that Surovikin was a "secret VIP member" of the Wagner group.
Surovikin and Prigozhin have long had close ties, and among other things served in Syria together.
Sergei Surovikin and Vladimir Putin. Alexei Druzhinin / AP
More sources: Surovikin may have been arrested
More and more sources state that the top Russian general Sergei Surovikin should have been arrested just days after the Wagner group's uprising in Russia. The AP news agency has spoken to two sources who refer to American and Ukrainian intelligence services.
Surovikin has not been seen since Friday, when he posted a video calling on Yevgeny Prigozhin to end the uprising.
Sources to the Moscow Times have previously stated that Surovikin was arrested after taking Prigozhin's side during the weekend's drama. Russia has not officially commented on what happened to the top general.
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