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ภาพคู่ วชิราลงกรณ์ กับ "ก้อย" (สินาท วงศ์วชิราภักดิ์) ตามปกติ วชิราลงกรณ์จะใช้เวลาอยู่กับก้อยมากกว่าภรรยาคนปัจจุบัน
ภาพคู่ วชิราลงกรณ์ กับ "ก้อย" (สินาท วงศ์วชิราภักดิ์) ตามปกติ วชิราลงกรณ์จะใช้เวลาอยู่กับก้อยมากกว่าภรรยาคนปัจจุบัน

16 years ago, I visited the Lard Yao women’s prison at Klong Prem,
outside Bangkok, because a Thai friend of mine had been jailed there for
two years. 1/12
visited with another Thai friend who was wearing shorts and a T-shirt,
and the prison authorities refused to let her in because they deemed her
clothing inappropriate. 2/12
I had one friend who couldn’t get out of Lard Yao and another who
couldn’t get in.
We walked out of the prison compound and eventually found a small street
market where my friend could get some clothes to cover her arms and
legs. 3/12
we went back in, and registered our names as visitors for our friend
who was in jail. We waited in a large open-air building to be called to
see her. 4/12
spent most of the time trying not to cry, in front of my friend, and
then after we left I cried.
My friend was released after a couple of years. She had been denied
medical and dental treatment in jail, and a lot of her teeth had rotted,
but she was alive. 8/12I thought about Lard Yao again recently because we know that King
Vajiralongkorn’s former official consort Sineenat “Koi” Wongvajirapakdi
has been sentenced to two years there. That’s the same length of
sentence my friend had. 9/12It’s actually good news for Koi that she is at Lard Yao. If she had been
jailed at Vajiralongkorn’s secret prison at Thaweewattana Palace, she
might never have come out alive. 10/12
Koi is more responsible for her own situation than most of the women at
Lard Yao. She played a very dangerous game, and she lost. 11/12
Andrew MacGregor MarshallVerifierat konto @zenjournalist