söndag 21 maj 2023

Greece divided - now there will be a new round of elections

Alexis Tsipras 
This is how it went in the Greek election - a new round of elections is expected  

Nelly Kronstrand  

Published: Less than 50 min ago  

Today the Greeks went to the polls.  
The first figures indicate that none of the parties will reach a majority.  
Thus, it is expected that there will be a new round of elections. At 19:00 local time, polling stations in Greece closed after what was described as a relatively low-key election campaign. The priority issues have been about rising inflation, immigration and crime. When the votes are now counted, the fight for government power is expected to be between conservative Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and left-wing leader Alexis Tsipras.  
Premiärminister Kyriakos Mitsotakis leder enligt opinionsundersökningarna med 40 procent av rösterna.
According to opinion polls, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis leads with 40 percent of the vote. Photo: Yorgos Karahalis / AP 
Rösträkning i en vallokal i Aten under söndagen.
Counting of votes in a polling station in Athens on Sunday. Photo: Thanassis Stavrakis / AP  
Want to reintroduce the Christmas bonus for pensioners  
In addition to the traditional line of higher versus lower taxes, Mitsotakis of the New Democrats has promised to increase pensions by three to four percent if he were to be extended confidence.  
Tsipras hoppas på en comeback på premiärministerposten.
Tsipras is hoping for a comeback as prime minister. Photo: Michael Varaklas / AP  
While Alexis Tsipras, who served as prime minister from 2015 to 2019, has promised to clean up the Greek economy - promising to reinstate the Christmas bonus for pensioners and scrap the law on the forced sale of indebted Greeks' homes.  
New party can gain decisive power  
However, according to the experts, none of the parties is expected to get a clear majority, reports TaNea.  
Which could mean that the Pasok-Kinal socialist party founded in 2018 could decide who rules the country for the next four years. 
Anhängare till Pasok-Kinal vid ett valmöte i veckan.
Supporters of Pasok-Kinal at an election rally this week. Photo: Petros Giannakouris / AP  
But since none of the three parties has shown any willingness to cooperate, the experts believe that the country will have a new round of elections at the end of this term in July. 
Numbers: No one gets a majority  
When the polling stations closed, Exit presented an opinion poll which showed that it is New Democracy with its 40 percent that will be the largest, reports the Greek newspaper. 
According to the survey, Syriza lands on 29 percent and Pasok on 12.5 percent.  
If it is clear that New Democracy has received the most votes, the party has three days to form a majority government - otherwise a new round of elections is called.

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