måndag 22 april 2024

The Russian invasion.

The Russian invasion. The outside world's response
Sergey Lavrov's new statement on nuclear weapons: "On the brink"

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says that the countries in the West are obsessed with the idea that Russia will suffer a "strategic defeat" in Ukraine, reports Reuters. Lavrov also repeats the Russian threat that the risk of nuclear war is increasing.

- The Westerners are teetering dangerously on the brink of direct military confrontation between nuclear powers, says Lavrov, according to the news agency.

He says that the US and the nuclear powers in Europe are taking "provocative steps" when they support Ukraine in the war against Russia.

The Russian invasion. The outside world's response
The President: "We are ready" for nuclear weapons on Polish soil

Poland is ready to have nuclear weapons on its territory if NATO member states make such a decision, says the country's President Andrzej Duda in an interview with the Polish newspaper Fakt.

Duda says that Poland "has obligations" as a member of the defense alliance.

In the interview, the president also talks about Poland's relationship with the United States and the two presidential candidates Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Andrzej Duda says US support for Poland will remain intact regardless of who wins the election.

The Russian invasion The sanctions

Billström: Sanctions should include the Russian shadow fleet

The EU's next sanctions package against Russia should include the so-called Russian shadow fleet that exports oil to circumvent sanctions, Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Billström (M) told Reuters.

- We will make sure that we include both an import ban for fossil gas and measures to curb the Russian shadow fleet, he says according to the news agency.

The statement comes in connection with the EU's foreign ministers meeting in Luxembourg.

The Russian invasion. The outside world's response

Experts: The support comes in the count's time - now you just have to press the button

Several Ukrainian soldiers with whom the Wall Street Journal spoke agree with President Zelenskyi's call for the new American military support to quickly reach the front.

John Nagl, professor at the U.S. Army War College, tells the newspaper that the support appears to be coming "in the count's time".

- If Zelenskyi does not get this ammunition, he will need an escape route, he says.

He, like the Swedish defense analyst Jörgen Elfving, also believes that it will go quickly before the first part of the 61 billion dollar support package is in place.

- There has been a system to supply Ukraine with military equipment that has been lying fallow, so it's just a matter of pressing the button and running, says Elfving to DN. 

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