lördag 22 juni 2024

The Israel-Hamas war|The reactions

White House concerns: Criticism of Biden as Netanyahu speaks

The White House is concerned that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may use next week's speech to the US Congress to criticize Joe Biden, sources told Politico.

Concerns are said to have risen after Netanyahu claimed in a recent video that the US is holding back arms deliveries. A source says the congressional speech could make the relationship even frostier.

- No one knows what he is going to say, says another source.
The American-Israeli relationship has gradually deteriorated since last autumn


Relative of the hostage: Will ensure that Netanyahu is convicted

Tens of thousands of Israelis protested on Saturday against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's and the government's handling of the Gaza war. In Tel Aviv, relatives have directed criticism at Israel's failure to get more people released.

Einav Zangauker, whose son Matan is still being held in Gaza by Hamas, says that no solution will be negotiated as long as Netanyahu is politically secure. She says Netanyahu is "failing and destroying" every minute in power.

- I will personally make sure that you are sentenced for every murder on October 7, and for every hostage who came there (to Gaza ed. note) alive and left dead, she says according to the Times of Israel.

Landslide after storm in the Alps – three are missing

Extreme weather

Three missing after landslide in Switzerland

Linnea Blomberg

Published 00.00
Extrema regnmängder fick vägar och bebyggelse att svämma över i södra Schweiz på lördagen.
Extreme amounts of rain flooded roads and buildings in southern Switzerland on Saturday. Photo: Samuel Golay / AP
Quick version
Heavy rain has caused a landslide in southeastern Switzerland. One woman has been rescued but three people are still missing, according to the country's authorities according to AP.

The accident occurred in the alpine valley Misox in Graubünden and a rescue operation has been ongoing throughout Saturday. The rescue personnel search with excavators and specially trained search dogs.

William Kloter of the Swiss police, who is leading the rescue operation, has told local media that he hopes to find the three missing people alive.

Swiss President Viola Amherd is shocked by the magnitude of the landslide.

"My thoughts go out to those affected. I also want to thank the rescue personnel for their efforts in this difficult situation," writes Amherd on X.
Schweiz president Viola Amherd.
Swiss President Viola Amherd. Photo: Kay Nietfeld/AP
Several dead in floods

The severe weather has also caused problems elsewhere in Switzerland.

Heavy rains and melting snow have caused the river that runs through the popular tourist destination of Zermatt to overflow and isolate the village. Dramatic videos showed the otherwise small river turning into a muddy stream gushing along the streets.
Människor evakuerades från sina hem i området. 
People were evacuated from their homes in the area. Photo: Samuel Golay / AP
Förödelse efter jordskredet i Schweiz.
Devastation after the landslide in Switzerland. Photo: Samuel Golay / AP
Germany has also been plagued by devastating floods at the beginning of the summer. German media have reported several deaths.
Forest fires and heat wave

While the rain is ravaging parts of northern Europe, southern parts of the continent are currently suffering from deadly forest fires and widespread power outages.

In Greece, tourists are now being warned about the extreme heat that has swept over the country.

In eleven days, five people have died or disappeared in the Greek island world. Among them the British diet guru Michael Mosley, which Aftonbladet previously reported on.

During Thursday, the temperature was measured at 44.5 degrees in Chania, northwestern Crete.
Områden kring Aten plågades av flera stora bränder i veckan.
Areas around Athens were plagued by several large fires this week. Photo: Petros Giannakouris / AP
Balkan residents are asked to stay indoors

The Balkan peninsula is also strongly affected by the heat. During Friday, the Western Balkans suffered widespread blackouts due to overloaded power grids due to the rising demand for electricity in the heat.

Montenegro's largest electricity supplier announced that there were power outages in most of the country.

Similar reports came from the southern coastal strip of Croatia, from Bosnia and Herzegovina's capital Sarajevo and from Albania.

The warm weather also causes it in North Macedonia. There, authorities urge residents to stay indoors and to avoid heavy work during the hottest hours of the day.

Latest news

The Taylor Swift hype
The Crown Prince's "dad dance" at the Swift concert is praised


The Russian Invasion|The North Korea-Russia relationship

Britain's richest family is sentenced to prison


Britain's richest family in prison - gave employees starvation wages

Ellen Sundstrom

Updated 22.08 | Published 21.04

Britain's richest family is sentenced to prison.

They allegedly paid their employees starvation wages, took their passports and prevented them from leaving the family's luxury villa.

- No employee was cheated on their salary, says the family's defense lawyer Robert Assael.
Quick version
Four members of the Hinduja family have been sentenced by a Swiss court to several years in prison after exploiting their maids in their property in Geneva, writes The Guardian.

The couple Prakash and Kamal Hinduja get four and a half years each. Their son Ajay and his wife Namrata get four years each.

The family is worth 37 billion pounds, which corresponds to almost 500 billion Swedish kronor. They run the corporate empire The Hinduja Group, which invests in oil, gas, banking and healthcare in 38 countries, and employs approximately 200,000 people.
Ajay Hinduja och frun Namrata, här tillsammans med advokaten Robert Assael.
Ajay Hinduja and wife Namrata, here with lawyer Robert Assael. Photo: Salvatore Di Nolfi / EPA
Put more money on the dog

Despite the billions and the luxury villa, they paid their employees starvation wages. The monthly salary was between 220 and 400 Swiss francs, which corresponds to approximately 2,600 and 4,700 Swedish kronor. According to prosecutor Yves Bertossa, the family spent more money on their dog than on the staff.

- They profit from the world's misery, Bertossa told the court.

Many of the staff, who could not speak English, had their salaries paid in rupees to bank accounts in India that the staff did not have access to while ini Switzerland, according to The Economic Times.

The three plaintiffs also say they were forced to work long hours, sometimes as much as 18 hours straight, seven days a week with minimal health benefits and little or no vacation time.

The staff also had their passports confiscated by the Hinduja family when they arrived in Switzerland from India, and were barely allowed to leave the Geneva villa. It also emerged that the staff often slept on mattresses in the basement.

Familjens försvarsadvokater Nicolas Jeandin och Robert Assael.
The family's defense lawyers Nicolas Jeandin and Robert Assael. Photo: Martial Trezzini / AP
"Not ill-treated slaves"

The family's legal team denied the allegations, saying the staff were treated respectfully and given access to proper accommodation.

- This is not about badly treated slaves, said one of the family's defense lawyers, Nicolas Jeandin.

The affected people in the Hinduja family were all cleared of suspicion of human trafficking, but have still expressed their dissatisfaction with the verdict, and say they will appeal to have it overturned.

Swiss authorities have confiscated valuable family possessions such as diamonds, rubies and a platinum necklace to cover legal costs.

The Israel-Hamas war|The attacks

The climate threat

The violence in Colombia

The Russian Invasion


The election in the United States|The electoral movement

The lawyer's job: Will play Trump in debate with Biden

Joe Biden has begun his preparations for next week's debate against Donald Trump. The president's personal lawyer, Bob Bauer, is believed to be playing Trump in a mock debate during the upload, writes Politico.

Bauer would not confirm that he has that role this year, but he had it four years ago and then had to prepare Biden for possible attacks. The job requires immersing oneself in the opponent's policies and debating style, but four years ago, Bauer falsely claimed that Trump wanted to overturn the abortion law Roe v. Wade.

- It was a mistake. You want to avoid that type of mistake because you don't want to prepare the candidate for an argument they won't hear.


Shy billionaire gives Trump half a billion kroner

Donald Trump's campaign coffers are starting to fill up and the financial disadvantage against Joe Biden has been halved since April, writes the New York Times. The guilty verdict in the accounting charges against Trump led to his supporters opening their wallets.

One of them was billionaire Timothy Mellon, heir to the Mellon banking family. The day after the jury announced its decision, Mellon, who is media-shy and almost never allows himself to be photographed, donated $50 million to the Trump campaign. This corresponds to approximately SEK 525 million.

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fredag 21 juni 2024

Latest news

The climate threat|Global challenges

The Israel-Lebanon conflict

Analysis: Great risk of a war that no one wants

Political situation in Sierra Leone

The extreme heat does not stop tourists: "Frustration"


The extreme heat does not stop tourists: "Frustration"

Matthias Kjellman

Published 2024-06-20 06.48

The early heat wave in Europe has devastating consequences in Greece.

In eleven days, five tourists have died due to the heat and an anger is growing among the locals that tourists are underestimating the heat.

- There is a sense of frustration among the local population but they are also very sad, a local resident told the Independent.

The summer has started with extreme heat in several places in Europe.

But heat warnings and clear calls for caution do not stop tourists' holiday dreams.

A 55-year-old American man died on the Greece island of Mathraki, local police said Monday. He is one of five tourists who have died as a result of the extreme heat in Greece in just eleven days.

- There is a common pattern - they all went on a hike in the middle of high temperatures, said Petros Vassilakis, a police spokesman, to Reuters.

Health guru Michel Mosley, 67, was found dead after being mising for days on a Greek island. He went for a walk in rough terrain and died two hours after saying goodbye to his wife on the beach.

Last year too, the searing heat led to tourists collapsing and as a precautionary measure this year the Acropolis was closed due to a record early heat wave in Greece.

Michael Mosley hittades död efter att ha varit försvunnen i flera dagar på en grekisk ö.
Michael Mosley was found dead after being missing for several days on a Greek island. Photo: Handout / Reuters
"People forget quickly"

Greece is not the only country in southern Europe to experience this high heat - and it has raised fears of a repeat of last year's extreme weather.

Even though locals and tourists had to sleep in schools and sports halls when large fires hit Rhodes last year - the island is among the Swedish travel companies' most popular destinations this summer.

- People quickly forget things that are negative. Maybe not if you yourself have found yourself in an extreme situation, then you might think about whether you want to experience something similar again, says Stefan Gössling, professor of tourism science at Linnaeus University to TT.

- But for most people it is abstract. As a tourist, you can't really relate to these risks that are everywhere and will only increase, he says.
En turist dricker vatten under ett paraply framför Akropolis i Aten.
A tourist drinks water under an umbrella in front of the Acropolis in Athens. Photo: Petros Giannakouris/AP
The authorities warn

The temperature has reached high levels. In Chania, 44.5 degrees were measured on Thursday, writes The Guardian. Red Cross volunteers have distributed thousands of bottles of free water and local authorities are urging tourists to be better informed about the weather conditions - and the dangers that come with them.

Eleftherios Papakalodoukas, mayor of the island of Symis, wants to install cameras and lighting on paths and hiking trails.

- If there is a lesson to be learned from the tragedy (of Mosley's death), it is that these roads need to be taken care of better so that people do not get lost, he says.
En stor räddningsinsats letade efter en 74-årig turist på Samos. Efter nästan en vecka hittades han död.
A large rescue operation was searching for a 74-year-old tourist on Samos. After almost a week, he was found dead. Photo: Hellenic Rescue Team
Several fires are expected

The dry and hot weather caused a fire near Athens on Wednesday.

Strong winds fanned the flames, forcing residents of Koropi to flee their homes. The firefighters had to fight hard with the extinguishing work.

The fire is one of many so far this season and more are expected during the summer.

             En brandman bekämpar en skogsbrand i Koropi under onsdagen.
             A firefighter fights a forest fire in Koropi on Wednesday. Photo: Petros Giannakouris / AP

The Politics X อ.ศิโรตม์ 21 มิ.ย. 67

The Politics X อ.ศิโรตม์ 21 มิ.ย. 67 I ช่องว่าง เพื่อไทย - ก้าวไกล ถมไม่เต็ม? I คุย สส.วิโรจน์

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The North Korea crisis

The new election in France

"Chaotic when we got to the port"


Major blackouts on the Balkan Peninsula: "Total collapse"

Astrid Larsson,

Ellen Sundstrom

Updated 17.34 | Published 14.39

A massive blackout has hit the Balkan Peninsula on Friday.

Traffic lights have stopped working and people are stuck in elevators.

- I saw many people who did not get enough water. It was chaos, says Swede Joel Sundström from Croatia

Almost all of Montenegro, Bosnia and large parts of Croatia and Albania have been affected by a widespread power outage.

The power outage occurred at 12.30 and a couple of hours later, large parts are still without electricity.
The Sarajevo Times reports that traffic lights have stopped working and describes the situation in Bosnia's capital Sarajevo as a "total collapse".
Poliser dirigerar trafiken när trafikljusen slutat fungera.
Police officers direct traffic when the traffic lights stop working. Photo: Armin Durgut / AP
"It's chaotic"

Aftonbladet has spoken to a Swedish tourist who is in Sarajevo and wishes to remain anonymous.

- It's chaotic. People are stuck in elevators and trams are standing up in the streets. Now there are police officers with whistles and redirecting the traffic, says the tourist and continues:

- The problem is that it is almost 40 degrees outside and no AC works.

Several people have also contacted Aftonbladet and told that hotels are completely turned off.
Tomma bussar i Sarajevo.
         Empty buses in Sarajevo. Photo: Armin Durgut / AP

The climate threat|Global challenges