måndag 24 juni 2024

Latest news

The North Korea crisis
Parasites and worn clothes in North Korea's junk balloons

Parasites from human feces and clothing with Hello Kitty prints have been identified among the contents of the junk balloons North Korea sent across the border, according to an analysis conducted in South Korea.

Over 1,000 balloons have been sent from North Korea in recent weeks, in retaliation for South Korean activists sending leaflets in the opposite direction. But the contents of the bags also provide information about the situation in North Korea, according to South Korea's Ministry of Unification.

Among other things, the presence of roundworms, whipworms and springworms in combination with soil indicates that human excrement is used in the soil instead of chemical fertilizer. The extremely worn condition of the clothes in the bags also gives indications of the difficult economic situation in the country, according to the ministry.

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