fredag 14 juni 2024

Macron can't understand what he got himself into

The EU election
Macron can't understand what he got himself into
French politicians are not to be trifled with

Susanna Kierkegaard

Aftonbladet's editorial page is independent social democratic.

Published 2024-06-14 16.00

Quick version

  • After being defeated in the EU elections, French President Emmanuel Macron announced new parliamentary elections on June 30.
  • Since then, chaos has erupted - the right-wing Republican party leader was fired but locked himself in at work and refused to leave. Far-right Eric Zimmour in turn fired his party's top candidate in the EU elections live, after what he called a "world record of betrayal".
  •  Aftonbladet's editorial page is impressed that the left-wing parties managed to form a coalition in the middle of everything, but still do not envy the French voters.
Frankrikes president Emmanuel Macron utlyste nyval till parlamentet efter att ha fått stryk av högerextremisterna. Här i vallokalen med sin fru, Brigitte Macron.
French President Emmanuel Macron called new parliamentary elections after being beaten by the right-wing extremists. Here in the polling station with his wife, Brigitte Macron. Photo: Hannah McKay/AP

The french president Emmanuel Macron  got a mop last Sunday. The far-right National Assembly received twice as much support in the EU election as his own liberal party.

Macron did not even wait for the votes to be counted before calling new elections for parliament.   on June 30, France's voter will have the chance to have their say. A high stakes, but nothing for Macron. He is a strategist of rank and used to taking big but calculated risks. 

Presumably he expected the unprepared competitors to the right to be completely giddy and swamp the sudden opportunity.

Since then, everything has gone very fast. The leader of the right-wing party, the Republicans, Éric Ciotti, proposed a collaboration with the National Assembly. It was not liked. The party secretary as well as his competitor Annie Genevard called a crisis meeting and the leader was deposed without much ceremony.

Ciotti reacted like anyone in his position and completely locked himself in the party office for several hours. Finally, Genevard appeared with a spare key and dragged him out.

It quickly proved to be a short-term solution. The day after he was fired, Ciotti told reporters that it was business as usual. When asked if he was still welcome at the party office, he replied "almost".

Even the far-right party "Reconquête" - yes, they have several - has gone wild. Party leader Éric Zemmour threw out her top candidate in the EU election live, after she accused him of trying to compete with the National Front.

"World record in betrayal", according to Zemmour. Words and no rhymes.

To the left is also full roll. After four days of negotiations, the Socialist Party, the Green Party, the Communists and the left-wing populist "La France Insoumise" joined forces. Now they go to the polls together and with a common political manifesto. Among other things, they promise to lower the retirement age to 60.

It is, to say the least, a broad coalition. But without cooperation, the left-wing parties have no chance. Despite the radical elements, the "New People's Front", as they call themselves, has even received a blessing from former president Francois Hollande.

It's going to be quite messy in that coalition. But compared to competitors on the right, they actually look tidy.

It is probably the French people who have to put up with this spectacle for the election campaign that is most unfortunate. They can take comfort in the fact that it will only be two weeks long.

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