onsdag 19 juni 2024

The countries must defend each other - a pact is included

Vladimir Putin
Putin's thanks to Kim Jong-Un for the support in Ukraine: "I am very happy"

Give Zangana,

Matthias Kjellman

Updated 12.26 | Published 10.39

Putin thanks North Korea for its support regarding Ukraine.

During the day, Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-Un met, who, according to the schedule, talked for 90 minutes and drank tea.

It was also presented that the countries are now part of a pact with mutual defense guarantees.

Kim Jong-Un and Vladimir Putin hugged each other when the Russian president landed in North Korea yesterday.

He was welcomed with a large military parade where he met the dictator of North Korea. Among other things, a motorcade drove through Pyongyang and hundreds of thousands of people lined the streets and waved.

Some held flowers and others waved Russian and North Korean flags.

Photo: Gavriil Grigorov / AP

He will be in the country for two days and it is the first visit that Putin has made to North Korea since 2000. It is Kim Jong-Un who invited the Russian leader to the closed country.

Kim Jong-Un hopes the visit will "strengthen ties with an old ally that supports Moscow's war in Ukraine."

Putin: "Very happy"

According to the schedule, they will, among other things, talk for 90 minutes and drink tea.

This morning, the BBC reported that the two leaders had opened talks. According to Vladimir Putin's advisers, the two will discuss "important and sensitive issues".

The country seems to have put extensive resources into the visit. Prior to the visit, Pyongyang had wallpapered several buildings with images of the Russian president.

Photo: Vladimir Smirnov / AP

And in addition to the welcome parade, buildings and streets were also lit up in the middle of the night.

Vladimir Putin has said that he is "very happy" that the two leaders are now meeting and that he hopes that the next meeting will take place in Moscow, reports AFP.

On Wednesday, Russia and North Korea will sign a new agreement aimed at strengthening ties between the two countries.

Kim Jong-Un has said during the meeting that he supports Russia in the Ukraine issue.

The countries entered into a pact

Later on Wednesday, it was announced that Russia and North Korea are now entering into a "strategic partnership agreement" - and a pact with mutual defense guarantees.

This means that if one of the countries is exposed to an attack, the other undertakes to come to its aid. This was announced by Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-Un jointly in Pyongyang.


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