söndag 16 juni 2024

Wants to pause the offensive - receives criticism from Netanyahu

Netanyahu was not informed of the "tactical pause" in Gaza

Noam Bertling

Updated 15.11 | Published 10.08

Israeliska soldater i närheten av Gazaremsan.
Israeli soldiers near the Gaza Strip. Photo: Ohad Zwigenberg / AP

The IDF faces a "tactical pause" in Gaza.

A decision that was never approved by the Israeli government.

- Unacceptable, the country's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is said to have called the break.

The Israeli military (IDF) announced a daily "tactical pause" in the offensive in southern Gaza to allow more humanitarian aid in this morning.

But Prime Minister  Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant were reportedly not informed of the pause, according to information provided to Haaretz.

Instead, Yoav Gallant was informed when the military announced the plans on Sunday morning. According to Haaretz, Benjamin Netanyahu should have called the break "unacceptable". Then the IDF should have made it clear that the fighting in Rafah should "continue as planned".

”Oacceptabel”, ska landets premiärminister Benjamin Netanyahu ha kallat pausen.
"Unacceptable", the country's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is said to have called the break. Photo: Jack Guez/AP

According to the IDF, the "tactical break" must last every day between eight in the morning and seven in the evening every day until further notice. The purpose is to allow more emergency aid into Gaza.

The AFP news agency reports that the UN welcomes the "pause", calling for more "concrete measures" so that humanitarian aid will arrive.


Blocking highways in protest against Netanyahu


Published 2024-06-16 10.27

En protest mot premiärminister Benjamin Netanyahus styre i Tel Aviv i Israel i maj. Arkivbild.
A protest against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's rule in Tel Aviv, Israel in May. Archive image. Photo: Leo Correa/AP/TT

Protests critical of the government stop traffic on several of Israel's highways, writes the Israeli newspaper Haaretz.

Images from Highway 4, north of Tel Aviv, show large plumes of smoke from a fire on the roadway, tires burning and long queues forming. Protests are also reported from several other highways that have been blocked. A demonstration is also underway at a branch of the Ministry of the Interior, where activists are calling on people to stop paying taxes in protest against the current government.

Demonstrations against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's rule have been ongoing for months in Israel. The activists are, among other things, dissatisfied with Netanyahu's handling of the ongoing Gaza war and the hostages taken during the terror-labeled Hamas attack on October 7 last year.

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