tisdag 8 november 2022

American politics Night of fate can become Biden's nightmare: "Two terrible years"

John Edgar 
Published: Less than 20 min ago 
Updated: Very recently 
The polls are closing soon in America's fateful election. 
The Democrats expect a nightmare night. 
- Then it will be two terrible years, says President Joe Biden. 
The first polling stations close in Kentucky and parts of Indiana at midnight Swedish time. 
A couple of hours later, all polling stations in a string of states close. 
And after another couple of hours, you will probably know how the winds blew in the fateful election that determines whether the Democrats keep or lose their majority in the Senate and the House of Representatives. 
In the White House, it is stated that they already expect to be in the middle of a storm.
Vallokalerna stänger snart i det amerikanska ödesvalet.
The polls are closing soon in America's fateful election. Photo: Nora Savosnick 
Darkening the dejection
- If we lose the House of Representatives and the Senate, it will be two terrible years, President Biden recently said before a small crowd of supporters in Chicago, according to CNN.
- Fortunately, I have my veto pen. 
According to CNN, Joe Biden and the other top Democrats are trying to give the appearance of optimism. But internally you are discouraged. The president's advisers admit in private discussions that they see no way for the Democrats to retain control of the House of Representatives, the television channel said. 
The question is rather how nightmarish the loss will be. 
On the other hand, the White House keeps the hope alive of being able to save the majority in the Senate. 
President Joe Biden och USA:s första dam Jill Biden utanför Vita huset på måndagskvällen.
President Joe Biden and US First Lady Jill Biden outside the White House on Monday evening. Photo: Evan Vucci/AP 
Might be more shuddering about the senate 
But it will be a nail biter and may take several weeks before it is ready. For example, in the swing state of Georgia, which can determine the entire majority in the Senate, a candidate must get at least 50 percent of the vote to win. 
Otherwise there will be a re-election in a month. 
The Republicans' strategy during the election campaigns has been to paint the midterm elections as a "referendum" on Joe Biden. 
This has caused many Democratic candidates to distance themselves from the president and avoid him in their campaign speeches. 
Biden's advisers say the president doesn't take it personally.

Republikanska väljare jublar till kandidaten Dr. Oz.
Republican voters cheer for candidate Dr. Oz. Photo: Nora Savosnick 
Praises himself in pm 
But at the same time, everything is being done from the White House so that the president is not blamed for the pending loss in the states. 
During Tuesday, a PM from the White House was circulated among Democratic leaders in which they listed all the political reforms that they had been behind since Biden took power. 
And how popular they have been among Americans. 
- We have got through so many good things. People just haven't realized how good they are yet, Biden told Democratic fundraisers last week. 
And the president isn't just fighting to keep his agenda alive. But even his political life is in danger. 
Valkuvert i en vallokal.
Ballot envelopes in a polling station. Photo: Nora Savosnick 
Want to investigate Biden 
The Republicans have already announced that they will investigate Biden if they take the majority. 
Among the topics top Republicans could bring up for scrutiny are son Hunter and his possibly dubious international dealings and alleged politicization of the FBI and Justice Department. 
Some suggest they want to avenge the treatment of Donald Trump by impeaching Joe Biden.

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