söndag 20 november 2022

IS calls for attack during World Cup

Jonathan Pinheiro Diamond 
Published: Today 01.53 
Islamic State supporters want to see "violent and biological" attacks during the World Cup, reports La Razón. 
The terrorists have issued the call via the Telegram app. 
- The goal is open, says one person. 
The Islamic State has carried out attacks in several countries in recent years, but the terrorist organization has lost its "caliphate" in Syria and Iraq. 
Supporters remain, however, and IS has guerrilla movements in several parts of the world. They call for attacks during the World Cup in Qatar, according to the Spanish newspaper La Razón. 
The newspaper writes that IS supporters have used Telegram channels to call for "violent and biological" attacks during the World Cup. The terrorists also point out countries such as Belgium, Canada and France as potential targets. 
Tried to get in 
IS is said to see the World Cup as a "golden opportunity" to hand out "retaliation" against the countries, whose citizens will be there cheering on their countries. 
- There will be many goals because many of the global coalition countries are participating in the WC. Try to be in the WC and try to score goals. Cleaning campaigns are ongoing. Take part in the WC in Qatar and score goals. The target is open, says an IS supporter according to La Razón.
Even before, IS has targeted football. In connection with the terrorist attacks in Paris in 2015, a terrorist tried to enter the football stadium Stade de France, where France played against Germany, and two explosions occurred nea

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