söndag 13 november 2022

RIGHT NOW: 'Smells terror - it's a heinous attack'

Turkey Explosion on main street in Istanbul: "Smells terror" 
Josefine Karlsson 
Published: Today 14.32 
Updated: Less than 50 min ago 
At least 6 people have died and 53 have been injured in a large explosion in Istanbul. 
A surveillance camera shows something exploding in the middle of the Istiklal shopping street where hundreds of people were strolling. 
- It smells of terror here, says President Erdogan in a statement. 
A large explosion has occurred on the popular Istiklal shopping street in Istanbul, Turkey, reports Cumhuriyet.
A large effort is underway at the scene and scores of police cars, ambulances and rescue vehicles have been dispatched to the area. 
According to CNN Turk, panic broke out among people who were on the street when the explosion occurred and that many fled the scene running. The street is now closed and police officers have directed people away from the scene. 
Images on social media show people lying on the ground being cared for by passers-by and medical staff. 
"Smells terror" 
According to initial information, 6 people have died and 53 have been injured, says Istanbul Governor Ali Yerlikaya 
"The injured are being cared for right now. We send our thoughts to those who lost their lives and a speedy recovery to those injured," he writes on Twitter. 
Bild från gatan innan explosionen sker. Ringen visar var den inträffar.  
Image from the street before the explosion. The ring shows where it occurs. 
Stort pådrag efter explosionen.
Big draw after the explosion. Photo: Francisco Seco/AP 
Minst fyra döda och 38 skadade, uppger guvernören i Istanbul.
At least four dead and 38 injured, says the governor of Istanbul. Photo: Francisco Seco/AP 
The explosion occurred at 16:20 local time near Taksim Square. According to witness statements to the Turkish media, the bang was said to have been huge and was heard in several districts of Istanbul. Footage from the scene shows something exploding next to a form of planting on the main street. It is not yet confirmed what exploded. 
- It is a despicable attack. The perpetrators will be identified and punished, President Erdogan said in a statement, according to AP and TRT. 
Erdogan says that the authorities have not yet been able to confirm what is behind the explosion. According to the president, there is information that a woman is involved. 
- It would be wrong in this situation to state that it is terrorism, but the first assessment and the information that has been conveyed to us indicate that. It smells of terror here, he says according to Milliyet and Cumhuriyet. 
The witness: "People ran all over the place" 
Norwegian Paal Zanstra Krokeide was at Istiklal with her 14-year-old son. He tells VG that they were on their way to Taksim Square and were 200 meters from the explosion when they felt the shock wave. When Paal looked up, he saw the cloud of fire. 
- I went into a survival mindset, grabbed my son and took us to safety. There was panic, and people ran all over the place, he tells to VG. 
Istanbul Mayor Ekrem Imamoğlu urges the public not to spread rumours. The radio and television authority in Turkey has issued a "broadcast ban" regarding the explosion, reports TRT Haber. Access to the internet and social media has been restricted across Turkey after footage of the explosion went viral. 
UD: "Following the event" 
Istanbul's chief prosecutor has opened an investigation. According to Justice Minister Bekir Bozdağ, eight prosecutors and two deputy chief prosecutors have been assigned to the case, writes Cumhuriyet. 
Istiklal is the big main street in the multi-million city of Istanbul. On the street are several restaurants, shops, office premises and consulates, including the Swedish consulate. 
The Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs is following developments in Istanbul. 
"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is aware that an explosion took place in Istanbul. We are following the incident and are in contact with the consulate general," they write in an email to Aftonbladet. 
Sweden's Foreign Minister Tobias Billström (M) regrets what happened. 
"I send my condolences to the Turkish people and the residents of Istabul due to the horrific explosion that occurred," he writes on Twitter. 
Photo: Twitter 
Photo: Francisco Seco/AP

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