onsdag 9 november 2022

The big victory came off - because of Trump

"Fresh Trump copy" can steal the presidential candidacy 
Wolfgang Hansson 
Expected landslide victory came off in part because of Trump 
Published: Less than 10 min ago 
This is a commenting text. Analysis and positions are the writer's. 
The mid-term elections did not become the extra push in the back for a possible comeback that Donald Trump had hoped for. 
On the contrary, there are many indications that the failed landslide victory for the Republicans can partly be blamed on Trump. 
Still not all votes have been counted. But it is leaning towards the Republicans taking power in the House of Representatives. We may have to wait for a runoff election in Georgia before we know if the Democrats manage to keep their majority in the Senate. 
But the results so far have to be described as disappointing for Republicans who had hoped for a landslide victory. Not least ex-president Donald Trump had predicted "a Republican wave" over the country. 
Donald Trump tittar ut över publiken när han talar i Mar-a-lago på valdagen.
Donald Trump looks out over the crowd as he speaks in Mar-a-lago on Election Day. Photo: Andrew Harnik/AP 
In part, he may have himself to blame. 
In the week before the election, Trump almost overtly hinted at several election rallies that he intends to run for president in 2024. With that, he hoped to enthuse his supporters even more to actually go and vote. What he may not have considered was that it may also have served as fuel for Democrats to drag themselves to the polls. But then to try to destroy Trump's chances of a comeback. 
Veckan före valet hintade Trump vid flera tillfällen om att han tänker ställa upp i presidentvalet 2024.
In the week before the election, Trump hinted on several occasions that he intends to run for president in 2024. Photo: Michael Conroy / AP 
No other ex-president in modern times has been as active in politics as Donald Trump in the past two years. Ahead of the midterm elections, he endorsed more than 300 Republican candidates in hopes that they would make it easier for him to return to the White House. 
The picture so far is mixed. Many of them won, but a number of the most high-profile Trump candidates also lost. It is clear that some of them were simply too extreme to appeal to a wider constituency. 
Trump disappointed 
Trump has promised that he will make "a very big announcement" on Tuesday. Most assume that he will declare his candidacy for the presidential election in two years. 
Trump had hoped to ride on a wave of success for his candidates in the midterm elections. Now the question is whether there will be any big announcement on Tuesday or whether he will find a way to postpone it. 
On election night, it was clear from his brief and subdued appearance that he was disappointed with the result. 
Worse for Trump, one of his bitterest rivals in the race to become the party's presidential candidate fared very well. 
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was re-elected and swept his Democratic challenger, unlike four years ago when a recount was required. 
Ron DeSantis blev omvald till Floridaguvernör.
Ron DeSantis was re-elected Florida governor. Photo: Lynne Sladky / AP 
Although DeSantis has not yet said that he intends to run in 2024, it is clear how disturbed Trump is by his success. The ex-president didn't even mention them on election night. He rarely mentions his rival's name at all, and when he does, it's often in derisive form, like Ron DeSanctimonius. He has also threatened to reveal things about his rival. 
Trump is simply afraid that Ron DeSantis will steal his show. 
Fresh Trumpkoipa 
There is no doubt that the ex-president still has a strong grip on the Republican Party. But there is also a strong vein within the party that would prefer to see him stop rehearsing his now-worn record that it was election fraud that gave Biden victory in 2020. 
They see it as a burden that Trump is brooding over something that is overplayed instead of looking forward. They fear Republicans will lose if Trump runs again. 
DeSantis is in many ways a Trump copy but without the ex-president's baggage. Hans is seen as a fresh alternative with greater winning chances. But there are few who openly dare to say it, afraid of suffering Trump's revenge. 
If the result stands and the Democrats retain power in the Senate, it will be a feather in Biden's cap. It boosts his shares ahead of the next presidential election, should he run for re-election.
President Joe Biden talar på ett kampanjevenemang på söndagen.
President Joe Biden speaks at a campaign event on Sunday. Photo: Patrick Semansky/AP 
Both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama lost more seats in the House of Representatives in their first midterm elections than Biden did now.
If, on the other hand, the Democrats also lose the Senate, votes within the party will be raised that Biden should be replaced before 2024. The president turns 80 in a few weeks and many question marks are already being raised about his health, even within the party.  
The problem for the Democrats is that there is no new Obama on growth behind the scenes. Vice President Kamala Harris has not lived up to expectations. 
While the Republicans have an abundance of willing and competent candidates of the right age, the Democratic ranks are so far sparse. 
It could be Biden's salva

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