fredag 18 november 2022

The "cultural profile" was invited to the king - despite the sex crime 

Jean-Claude Arnault 
The king invited Arnault to dinner - in the middle of the Metoo scandal 
Oskar Forsberg 
Published: Less than 10 min ago 
The king invited Jean Claude Arnault to dinner in 2017 – after the revelations about the sexual abuse. 
This is evident in the new book Le Doute, which deals with the cultural profile. 
The court confirms that Arnault was invited, but he did not attend the dinner. 
In the fall of 2017, during #Metoo, DN published an examination of Jean-Claude Arnault, the so-called "Kulturprofilen", and his culture club Forum. 
18 women testified that they had been subjected to sexual harassment by him. 
Kulturprofilen Jean-Claude Arnault dömdes till fängelse för våldtäkt i tingsrätten. Här är han inför förhandlingarna i Svea hovrätt.
Cultural profile Jean-Claude Arnault was sentenced to prison for rape in the district court. Here he is before the proceedings in the Svea Court of Appeal. Photo: Jonas Ekströmer / TT 
DN's reporter Matilda Voss Gustavsson later wrote the book "Klubben" about the sex scandal surrounding the Swedish Academy. 
Now there is a new book about the cultural profile and about the events of 2017. 
It is Jean-Claude Arnault's friend Basile Panurgias who wrote the book Le Doute {"The Doubt") 

Omslag till boken Le Doute av Basile Panurgias.
Cover of the book Le Doute by Basile Panurgias. 
Was invited to dinner by the king 
In the book, the author states that Jean-Claude Arnault and the king were good friends. 
“I asked you if you associated with Carl XVI Gustaf, knowing that, having been decorated with the Order of the North Star, you must have met him. But I was surprised to hear that you knew him so well," he writes. 
Basile Panurgias also describes that Jean-Claude Arnault was invited to dinner by the king. He must have become so in connection with the Japanese writer Kazuo Ishiguro being awarded the Nobel Prize in early December 2017. 
That is, a few weeks after DN's revelation about the sexual assaults. 
Drottning Silvia och Carl XVI Gustaf i juli 2017.
Queen Silvia and Carl XVI Gustaf in July 2017. Photo: CAROLINA BYRMO 
 "I understood the bond that Carl XVI Gustaf and you had when, at the worst moment of the scandal, during the awarding of the Nobel Prize to Kazuo Ishiguro, you received a message from the court about an invitation to the king's dinner," writes Basile Panurgias.
"Yes, Basile, the Nobel banquet is a big publicized party, but the place where it really happens is the king's dinner," Arnault is said to have said, according to the author. 
Jean Claude Arnault  och Akademieledamot Katarina Frostenson på kungens Nobelmiddag på Stockholms slott 2011.
Jean Claude Arnault and Academy member Katarina Frostenson at the King's Nobel Dinner at Stockholm Palace in 2011. Photo: HENRIK MONTGOMERY / TT 

Court: "Did not participate" 
Around forty people are said to have been invited to the king's party in 2017, Panurgias writes in his book. 
Margareta Thorgren, the court's information manager, tells Aftonbladet that the information about the king's invitation is correct. 
- Every year on December 11, the day after the Nobel dinner, the king invites the Nobel laureates and also members of the various academies. Every two years, the members' respective relatives are also invited. 2017 was such a year. Academy member Katarina Frostenson and others were invited, but declined and did not attend the dinner, she says. 
Was it appropriate to invite him to dinner, given what had happened? 
- I want to point out that it is the members who are invited and according to tradition, every two years. 
As for Basile Panurgia's information that the king and Jean-Claude Arnault must have been good friends, according to Margareta Thorgren, it is extraneous information. 
- That is not true, she says. 
Jean-Claude Arnault under rättegången 2018.
Jean-Claude Arnault during the trial in 2018. Photo: PONTUS ORRE 
Sentenced to prison for rape 
The accusations in 2017 eventually led to the Swedish Academy ending all cooperation with Arnault. It was stated that, in addition to DN's review, it was also due to his behavior towards members, members' daughters, members' wives and staff at the Academy's office. 
Jean-Claude Arnault was indicted the following year, suspected of two counts of rape. 
He was sentenced to 2.5 years in prison by the Svea Court of Appeal in December 2018. 
Jean-Claude Arnault received the Order of the North Star from the King in 2015. 
After the rape verdict in the Svea Court of Appeal, King Carl XIV Gustaf revoked the award

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