tisdag 8 november 2022

Trump last night: "Big announcement next week"


Donald Trump "I have a very big announcement"
John Edgar 
Published: Today 06.14 
Donald Trump said he doesn't want to steal the spotlight from the midterm elections. 
And then he did just that. 
- I will make a very big announcement on November 15, he said in his speech from Dayton this morning. 
With only hours left before the first polling stations open in the shock election in the United States, late last night ex-president Donald Trump diluted speculation that he wants a rematch for the White House against Joe Biden in 2024. 
On Tuesday, it will be decided whether Joe Biden and the Democrats can retain the majority in Congress when the entire House of Representatives and about a third of the Senate are up for re-election in the mid-term elections. 
Innan Trump lämnade Dayton kom han med ett löfte: Om en vecka kommer ett ”väldigt stort besked”.
Before Trump left Dayton, he made a promise: In a week there will be a "very big announcement". Photo: AP 
Spoken in Ohio 
Before election day, information came on Monday that Donald Trump intended to use a speech tonight Swedish time in Dayton, Ohio, in support of Republican Senate candidate J.D. Vance, to officially announce that he is running for president in 2024. 
According to information in the American press, many people close to the former president have pleaded with him to wait with the announcement until after the mid-term elections. 
People are worried because he will take the focus away from the party's candidates and mobilize the Democrats' voters unnecessarily. 
He followed the advisors' wishes. 
"Very big news" 
- Two years ago we were a great nation and we will be a great nation again. Not to diminish the importance of tomorrow's very important election, Trump said. 
- I have a very big announcement on Tuesday, November 15 from Mar-a-Lago. 
The cheers from the supporters in Dayton were huge. 
The early comments in the American media late last night assumed that the "big announcement" is about a new attempt to win a second term as president. 
As in the past since Joe Biden took over the presidency, large parts of the night's speech dealt with the perceived injustice he was subjected to. 
"Epic Victory" 
- I stood up twice. I won twice and did much better the second time by millions more votes in 2020 than in 2016, Trump said of the alleged election fraud for which no evidence has been presented. 
- The first step to save the United States is to win an epic victory for the Republicans tomorrow, he said before the mid-term elections on Tuesday. 
- In 2024, we will take back that big, fantastic white house.
Donald Trump under sitt tal i Dayton.
Donald Trump during his speech in Dayton. Photo: AP

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