torsdag 17 november 2022

Trump's return could be a gift for Biden

Wolfgang Hansson 
Published: Less than 3 hours ago 
This is a commenting text. Analysis and positions are the writer's. 
Large parts of the world met the news that Donald Trump is standing in the next presidential election with a deep sigh and a growing lump in the stomach. 
But it may turn out that Trump's candidacy is pure gift to the Democrats and President Biden. 
Much suggests that it will be easier for Biden, or the candidate the Democrats field, to beat Trump than another more polished and polished Republican challenger. Trump still has a very devoted core of voters, but he is also a highly polarizing figure that divides the American people. 
We just got proof of that in the American mid-term elections. In all the states where it is normally very even between Democrats and Republicans, the so-called swing states, the candidates that Trump has supported lost. 
Voters simply rejected extreme candidates who continue to push Trump's false line that he actually won the presidential election against Biden. Only in states where Republicans almost always win were Trump candidates elected. 
Donald Trump meddelade under tisdagen att han ställer upp i presidentvalet 2024.
Donald Trump announced on Tuesday that he is running for president in 2024. Photo: Andrew Harnik / AP TT 
On the basis of this, it is hard not to conclude that Trump is about to become passé. 
Other signs pointing in the same direction are the tepid interest on the Republican side in Trump's candidacy. On the contrary, Trump is mocked by a number of media outlets that previously supported him. 
The New York Post had a small headline at the bottom of its front page that read "Florida man announces" when Trump announced his campaign. The candidacy was otherwise presented as a small news article on page 26. 
Looking around for others 
The newspaper is owned by media mogul Rupert Murdoch, who has announced that he does not intend to support Trump's candidacy in the 2024 election. 
The Fox news channel that was absolutely crucial to Trump becoming president in 2016 and that also supported him wholeheartedly in 2020 did not even broadcast Trump's entire speech on Tuesday. 
Laura Ingram, one of the channel's big profiles, who until now supported Trump, seems to have changed her foot when she commented on how the Republicans can win the presidency in 2024. 
- If the voters conclude that you put your ego and your grudges before the best interests of the country, they will look for other candidates. 
We also have Trump's own vice president, Mike Pence, who believes there are better candidates than Trump and argues that going forward, Republicans must win more voters by showing more compassion and empathy. 
Not exactly Trump's best branch. 
In other words, it looks like there will be a fierce internal battle within the Republican Party over who will lead them in 2024.  
Dare to step forward 
But for this battle to become a reality, a number of the party's biggest names will have to step forward and announce that they are running against Trump. So far, no one has done it and there are many indications that they are waiting to see where the winds blow. 
Presumptive names are not missing. 
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is the one Trump fears the most. He is only 44 years old, eloquent, presidential and is seen right now as the party's big topping calf. An Obama for the Republican side. 
But we also have famous names like Mike Pence, who says he is considering running, Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State under Trump, and Nikki Hailey, who also held a top post with Trump. 
Someone or some of them must dare to challenge their former boss for Trump's position to be threatened. 
I imagine that the Democrats, on the other hand, feel quite pleased that Trump has announced that he is running. They are certainly terrified that Trump will be allowed to move into the White House again, but at the same time feel that it will be easier to beat him one more time than several of the other possible candidates. 

Ron DeSantis. 

Ron DeSantis. Photo: AP TT 
Politically dead 
With Trump as the Republican nominee, it will be easier for Democrats to get their voters to actually vote. The rationale for stopping the erratic real estate billionaire from coming back to power is very thin. 
This also increases the chance that Joe Biden will run again. He soundly defeated Trump in 2020 and is convinced that he is the right man to do it again. The question mark among the Democrats is mostly whether he can handle it or whether you should try to find another candidate. 
President Joe Biden.
President Joe Biden. Photo: Patrick Semansky / AP TT 
But in the midst of all the "Trump-bashing", it is worth remembering how many times in the past Donald Trump's chances have been ruled out. After the storming of Congress on January 6 last year, he was politically dead. But after six months he had resurrected. 
It certainly appears almost unimaginable that a person who has been impeached twice, tried to carry out a coup d'état to retain power and is threatened by several charges could even be considered as a presidential candidate.
But for Donald Trump, different rules still apply than for other politicians. Therefore, it would be almost a misconduct to judge his chances of becoming president again now.

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