söndag 20 november 2022

Turkish revenge with airstrikes


Turkish airstrikes on Syrian cities: To be held accountable 
At least twelve people are said to have been killed 
Anna Sjögren, 
John Edgar, 
Jacob Ruderstam 
Published: Today 04.40 
Updated: Today 08.41 
Turkey has launched a new military offensive against Kurdish militias in Syria and Iraq, Ankara says. 
During Saturday night, airstrikes were carried out against several targets, including the city of Kobane. 
"Those devils must be held accountable for their treacherous attacks," writes the Ministry of Defense on Twitter. 
Turkey confirmed early on Sunday that it had carried out airstrikes against what it said were Kurdish military bases belonging to the terror-labeled PKK and the Syrian-Kurdish militia YPG. 
According to Turkey, targets in northern Syria and Iraq were attacked and were places that had been starting points for attacks against the country. 
According to Reuters, the city of Kobane, near the Turkish border, has been attacked. A spokesperson for the Kurdish-led SDF states, according to The Guardian, that two villages in the provinces of Aleppo and Hasakeh were attacked during the night. 
"Day of Reckoning" 
The Turkish Ministry of Defense wrote in a message on Twitter "The day of reckoning has come" and "those devils will be held accountable for their treacherous attacks" along with a photo of a plane taking off for a night operation, writes TT. 
About 20 airstrikes were carried out, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which states that at least twelve people have been killed. 
Six of them are said to have been members of the Kurdish SDF (Syrian democratic forces reds note).
From the Turkish side, there has been no information on the number of airstrikes or the death toll. 
“Will pay double the price” 
The airstrikes come only a few days after Ankara singled out the PKK and PYD as responsible for the terrorist attack in Istanbul on November 13. Both groups have denied involvement in the crime. 
According to Turkish police, the woman who was arrested on suspicion of the attack must have admitted that she received her training from the groups. Reuters reports that after the explosion, Turkey turned its attention to northern Syria and the Kurdish YPG group. 
On Tuesday, the Turkish Ministry of Defense published a statement after the attack. According to Turkish TRT Haber, the PKK and YPG are singled out in the statement. 
"The terrorists who carried out the terrorist attack on Istiklal will pay the double price," the Ministry of Defense writes. 
The news agency has spoken to an anonymous Turkish official who says it is "unacceptable threats from Kurdish militants or IS". Turkey is now planning to get rid of threats on the border between Turkey and Syria.
- Syria is a national security problem for Turkey. Work is already underway on this. There is an operation against the PKK in Iraq. There are some targets in Syria after it is finished, the official said. 
Bild från gatan innan explosionen i Istanbul sker. Ringen visar var den inträffar.  
Picture from the street before the explosion in Istanbul takes place. The ring shows where it occurs.

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