lördag 19 november 2022

Ukrainian no to ceasefire


Russia's invasion of Ukraine

Zelenskyy rejects ceasefire with Russia 


Jacob Ruderstam

Published: Today 07.01 

Updated: Less than 3 hours ago 


Vladimir Putin wants a truce to regain strength, says Volodymyr Zelensky. 

The Ukrainian president has no plans to negotiate with Russia. 

- Such a respite would only worsen the situation, he says at an international security forum. 

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy does not want to see a "short truce" with Russia. 

Speaking at the Halifax International Security Forum in Canada, the president says a ceasefire would make the situation worse. 

- Russia wants a short truce, a respite to regain strength. Some would perhaps call it the end of the war, but such a respite would only worsen the situation, he says according to TT.

Ukrainas president Volodymyr Zelenskyj  säger nej till en kortvarig vapenvila med Ryssland eftersom det bara skulle förvärra läget för landet, säger han.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says no to a short-term truce with Russia because it would only worsen the situation for the country, he says. Photo: Javad Parsa / NTB 

The president spoke via link in front of the participants. 

- Peace is possible, but for that to happen we must make Russian aggression impossible, he says according to the AP news agency. 

Canada's Defense Minister Anita Anand also spoke during the security forum. In her speech, she talked about Ukraine winning the war right now. 

- Ukraine's armed forces are driven, disciplined and better trained. They win, she says. 

The US calls for peace negotiations 

John Kirby, spokesman for the US National Security Council, has previously said that a future decision on peace negotiations between Ukraine and Russia is in Zelensky's hands. 

- We all agree that a diplomatically negotiated peace is the second best solution to the conflict, second only to Putin withdrawing his soldiers. We have also said that Zelensky himself can decide when and if he is ready for negotiation and what it should look like. There is no one from the US trying to push him to the table, says Kirby.

Vladimir Putin, Rysslands president.

Vladimir Putin, President of Russia.


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