onsdag 19 juni 2024

The politician's bizarre move revealed: Shocking

The politician's bizarre move revealed: Shocking

John Edgar

Published 2024-06-19 20.18
Mary Morrissey dyker upp i bild på övervakningskameran, häller ner vattnet i väskan och försvinner därifrån.
Mary Morrissey appears on the surveillance camera, pours the water into the bag and disappears from there.
The Democrat's cloth bag was constantly wet after he was in the chamber.

So he set a trap—and exposed his Republican opponent.

"She watered the bag like it was a plant," writes the site Seven Days, which requested the secret surveillance.

Political polarization and bickering across party lines is commonplace in the United States.

But now a hidden camera has revealed one of the more bizarre feuds in recent memory between the Democrats and the Republicans.

- It was shocking. It was bizarre. Why? That's what I said time and time again. Why? says Angela Arsenault, Democratic member of the Vermont
Vermont House of Representatives, to the site Seven Days.
Jim Carroll går förbi sin väska innan  Mary Morrissey häller vatten i den.
Jim Carroll walks past his bag before Mary Morrissey pours water into it.
Caught in picture

Then she had just seen colleague Jim Carroll's film recording from the hooks on the wall outside the chamber of Congress.

In the video clips, Republican member Mary Morrissey can be seen rushing past her political opponent's cloth bag and on the move pouring a plastic glass of water into it.

In one of the clips, Carroll sticks his arm into his bag and then walks away towards a meeting room. Just seconds later, Morrissey appears, pours the water into the bag and disappears from there.

- It makes me think she was watching over me, says Carroll to Seven Days.


Be mean for a long time

The reason for the secret camera device was that Carroll's bag had been drenched in water repeatedly since January.

The surveillance images proved Carroll correct in his suspicions that Morrissey was the culprit.

She will, according to the Democrat, "be mean" to him for several months, despite the fact that they have known each other since childhood, are from the same city and belong to the same church, writes
The Guardian.

Political colleagues suspect that Morrissey's anger towards Carroll stems from his drink-driving arrest last winter.

Carroll took the video evidence to the Speaker and confronted the Republican.
"Would splash insects away"

Before Morrissey admitted and apologized in front of all the members of the House, she tried to explain away her actions by saying that she "splashed water on the bag because she saw an insect on it".

- I am really ashamed of what I have done, she said.

When the Speaker learned of the evidence, Morrissey was suspended from the committee she sits on. An ethics panel will now investigate whether she can remain in the Vermont Congress.

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