söndag 13 november 2022

"Trump is weaker than previously thought"

Donald Trump Donald Trump's candidates lost in key states 
"His golden scepter has not worked" 
Jacob Ruderstam 
Published: Very recently 
Donald Trump handpicked several election deniers who would ensure that the Republicans won the midterm elections. 
All but one lost in key states. 
- Denying the election results in 2020 has not been successful, says US expert Jan Hallenberg. 
USA-experten och forskaren Jan Hallenberg.
USA expert and researcher Jan Hallenberg. Photo: Jessica Gow/TT 
During the night, the Republicans' last hope of taking control of the US Senate disappeared. Democrat  Catherine Cortez Masto defeated challenger Adam Laxalt in Nevada and the result means that the Democrats win the Senate election.
On Saturday, Republican Jim Marchant also lost the election for secretary of state in the same state. Thus, it is clear that all Republican candidates except one who expressed doubts about the election results in 2020 lost, writes the New York Times.
- The state political body Secretary of State has, among other things, responsibility for the elections. In all states except super-red Indiana, the Republicans have lost, says USA expert and researcher Jan Hallenberg to Aftonbladet. 
Republikanen Adam Laxalt.
Republican Adam Laxalt. Photo: John Locher/AP 
Haven't moved forward 
He believes that one of the reasons for the Republicans' failed election is the threat to democracy. 
Organizations that fight for the right to vote pointed out before the elections for secretary of state Arizona, Nevada and Michigan as important for democracy, reports Reuters. 
The Republican candidate in Arizona, Mark Finchem, was supported by Trump and has previously spread several conspiracy theories. Among other things, he has denied the presidential election in 2020 and claimed that leading politicians in the country are part of a "pedophile ring". 
Kristina Karamo, the candidate in Michigan, has previously claimed that she saw fraud in the Detroit 2020 vote count. Previously, Jim Marchant mentioned was one of the Trump supporters who refused to accept Joe Biden's victory. 
The three candidates have all been close supporters of Donald Trump. All lost. 
- Denying the 2020 election results has not been successful. I think a lot of people have abstained from voting for those Republicans. The election deniers have not moved forward, says Jan Hallenberg. 
Republikanen Jim Marchant.
Republican Jim Marchant. Photo: Jim Rassol / AP
Tough comeback for Trump? 
On Tuesday, Donald Trump is expected to deliver a "very big announcement" from his Mar-a-Lago property. In connection with the fact that the mid-term elections did not go as the Republicans had hoped, votes were raised for the announcement to be postponed, something that Donald Trump waved away. 
If Jan Hallenberg has to guess, he believes that Donald Trump will stand as a candidate for the presidential election in 2024. 
- Partly because he himself wants to be first out on the track, partly because it can make it easier for him in the prosecution that he lives under, he says. 
After the election results, Donald Trump has a tough starting position before a possible campaign, Hallenberg believes.
- He is weaker than previously thought. If some of his candidates had won, he would have been stronger. He was the one who brought up Blake Masters who lost in Arizona. Trump pointing with his golden scepter has not worked as he had hoped. 
På tisdag väntas Donald Trump leverera ett ”viktigt besked”.
On Tuesday, Donald Trump is expected to deliver an "important message". Photo: AP TT NEWS AGENCY

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