söndag 23 juni 2024

The Russian Invasion

Russian Invasion|Russian Reactions
Member opens for shorter consideration period for nuclear weapons

Russia can make changes to its nuclear doctrine and shorten the decision-making period before a possible use of nuclear weapons. That's what Andrej Kartapolov, chairman of the Duma's defense committee, says.

- If the challenges and threats grow, we can adjust things in the doctrine in matters such as when to use nuclear weapons and how quickly we can make decisions about it, he says according to Reuters, which refers to the state news agency Ria.

Earlier this week, President Vladimir Putin opened up to making changes to the doctrine, which was last amended in 2020.

Russia is the world's largest nuclear weapon nation  


The Russian InvasionThe Battles
Russian bombardment of homes in Kharkiv – over 50 injured

At least three people were killed and more than 50 injured in Russian bombings against the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv on Saturday, Ukrainian authorities said.

Russia reportedly fired four precision bombs, one of which hit an apartment building in the central parts of the city. The attack took place in the middle of the day, and late Saturday night rescue workers were searching for more survivors in the collapsed house.

- This is elaborate terror, said Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Saturday evening.

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