söndag 23 juni 2024

The election in the United States|The electoral movement

Trump does not want to underestimate Biden: "He beat Ryan"

After spending months describing Joe Biden as the "worst debater I've ever met", it now sounds different from Donald Trump, writes the New York Times.

- I don't want to underestimate him. He beat Paul Ryan, Trump said recently in a podcast.

Trump was referring to the vice presidential debate between Biden and Ryan before the 2012 election.

The New York Times writes that the advanced age of the candidates means that the stakes are greater than usual. A mistake, such as someone stumbling, forgetting something or saying a clumsy insult, risks lingering in voters' minds for months.


The plan: portray Trump as a power-hungry criminal 
President Joe Biden and his staff are gathering strength before the debate against Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump during the night of Thursday.  
According to an internal document obtained by NBC News, the tactic of the Biden camp is to present the United States with a choice. One road leads to Joe Biden, who fights for the people. The other path leads to Donald Trump, who should be portrayed as a convicted criminal fighting for his own power at the expense of the people.  
The spokesperson for Biden's campaign, Michael Tyler, says that they will also focus on issues such as the right to abortion, democracy and the economy.  
- Key issues where Trump poses a major threat, says Tyler.

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