tisdag 15 november 2022

Experts: This shows how dangerous war is

Russia's invasion of Ukraine 
Defense experts: Shows how dangerous war is 
Amanda Hällsten 
Published: Less than 2 hours ago 
Updated: Less than 30 min ago 
Rockets have hit Poland a couple of kilometers from the Ukrainian border. 
At the moment, it is unclear where the rockets are coming from. 
- It shows how dangerous this war is, not only for Ukraine but for the whole of Europe, says security expert Katarina Engberg. 
Two people are said to have died in an explosion in the Polish village of Przewodów, a couple of kilometers from the border with Ukraine and north of Lviv, several Polish media reports. 
According to a source within the US intelligence service, it was supposed to have been Russian rockets that hit Poland today, AP reports. 
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi also says in a speech on Tuesday that it was Russian rockets that hit Poland.  
- Terror extends beyond our borders, he says. 
But at the moment it is unclear whether it is a targeted attack or not. It is also not established whether the rockets come from Russia, as there are also reports that the rockets were shot down by Ukraine. 
The Kremlin also denies involvement in the incident. 
However, according to Katarina Engberg, security policy analyst, this shows how dangerous the war in Ukraine is. 
- Not only for Ukraine, but for all of Europe. And what clear proliferation risks there are with the war, that it could spill over into NATO territory, says Katarina Engberg in SVT's Aktuellt.
Katarina Engberg
Katarina Engberg Katarina Engberg Photo: Screenshot/SVT 
"An evaluation must take place" 
According to sources to Radio Zet's reporter, it is supposed to be two rockets and the explosion is likely to have been caused by parts from a blown-up Russian rocket that the Ukrainian army shot down. The information has not yet been officially confirmed. 
- Now we have to wait and see first. There must be an evaluation, what kind of missiles were they and where did they come from. Based on that, I assume that NATO will react in a proportional way, Katarina Engberg continues. 
She also says that NATO will be forced to react in some way if it turns out that the rockets come from Russia. 
Oscar Jonsson, researcher at the Norwegian Defense Academy, also emphasizes that there are different reports about what has happened. 
- It could be a Ukrainian robot that shot down Russian robots as well. So at this point we just have to wait and see. We don't know much, but it's serious when it spreads and kills Polish citizens as well, he says. 
Oscar Jonsson
Oscar Jonsson Photo: Screenshot/SVT

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