tisdag 15 november 2022

RIGHT NOW: NATO: "Our allies are in close contact"

Task: Russian rockets hit Poland on the border with Ukraine 
Josefine Karlsson 
Published: Today 19.25 
Updated: Very recently 
Russian rockets are said to have hit Poland a couple of kilometers from the Ukrainian border, according to a source in the US intelligence service for the AP. 
Russia denies the accusations. 
The Polish government is raising military readiness across the country. 
Two people have died in an explosion in the Polish village of Przewodów, a couple of kilometers from the border with Ukraine and north of Lviv, several Polish media reports. 
According to a source within the American intelligence service, two Russian rockets should have hit Poland today, AP reports. 
According to sources to Radio Zet's reporter, it is supposed to be two rockets and the explosion is likely to have been caused by parts from a blown-up Russian rocket that the Ukrainian army shot down. The information has not yet been officially confirmed. 
Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki called a crisis meeting in consultation with President Andrzej Duda, in which, among other things, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Justice and commanders in the defense must have participated.
- We will increase military preparedness throughout the country. We are investigating NATO's Article 4, says the Prime Minister's spokesperson Piotr Muller, at a press briefing after the meeting. 
 NATO: "Our allies are in close contact" 
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has spoken with Polish President Andrej Duda.  
"NATO is monitoring the situation and our allies are in close contact with each other. It is important to find out all the facts," writes Stoltenberg on Twitter.  
The American defense headquarters, the Pentagon, says it is "investigating the matter", reports Reuters.
- I can say that we have no information at this time to confirm these reports and are investigating this further, said Pentagon spokesman Brigadier General Patrick Ryder., according to Reuters.
Russia denies involvement 
Russia denies the accusations. 
"Statements by Polish media and officials about the alleged fall of "Russian" rockets in Przewodów are a deliberate provocation to escalate the situation. No attacks were made against targets near the Ukrainian-Polish state border with Russian means of destruction," the Russian Defense Ministry said, according to TASS.
Photo: Twitter/Screenshot
         Photo: Twitter/Screenshot 
Hungary has also called for a crisis meeting. 
"In response to the suspension of the oil transfer through the Druzhba pipeline and the rocket that hit the territory of Poland, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has convened the Hungarian Defense Council," spokesperson Zoltan Kovacs wrote on Twitter. 
Latvia: "Supporting our Polish friends" 
During Tuesday, around 100 rockets were fired at Ukraine in a Russian mass attack. Several world leaders have expressed concern following the reports of rockets hitting Poland. 
Latvian Defense Minister Artis Pabriks writes on Twitter. 
“My condolences to our Polish brothers in arms. The criminal Russian regime launched missiles that not only targeted Ukrainian civilians but also landed on NATO territory in Poland. Latvia supports our Polish friends and condemns this crime," he writes. 
Finnish President Sauli Niinistö writes on Twitter that "the news from Poland is worrying". 
"It is now of the utmost importance to get confirmed information. After that, it's time to draw conclusions. The situation is being closely monitored," he writes.
The text is updated.

Five points about the explosion in Poland 
Adrian Ericson 
Published: Less than 2 hours ago 
A large explosion has occurred in Polish Przewodów near the Ukrainian border. The city has been hit by Russian robots, an intelligence source told the AP news agency. Here's what we know so far. 
1. The explosion took place at 15.40 on Tuesday in the Polish city of Przewodów, located six kilometers from the border with Ukraine. 
2. The incident occurred at an agricultural facility and killed two people, according to Polish media. Police, prosecutors and the military are said to be on site. 
3. The explosion was caused by two Russian robots, a senior official in the American intelligence service CIA told the AP news agency. Latvian Defense Minister Artis Pabriks accuses the Kremlin of being behind it. 
4. Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, in consultation with President Andrzej Duda, has called an emergency meeting. The meeting is also attended by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Justice, the Minister of the Interior and commanders in the defense. The public will receive more information as soon as the meeting is over, says spokesperson Piotr Muller. 
5. During the day, Russia carried out massive bombings over Ukrain 

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