tisdag 15 november 2022

JUST NOW: Large explosion near Ukraine's border


Poland Task: Rockets in Poland on the border with Ukraine 
Josefine Karlsson 
Published: Less than 30 min ago 
Updated: Very recently 
An explosion has occurred in Poland a couple of kilometers from the border with Ukraine. 
According to information to Radio Zet, two rockets must have caused the explosion. 
The Polish Prime Minister has called a crisis meeting in a flash. 
An explosion has occurred in the Polish city of Przewodów, roughly six kilometers from the border with Ukraine and north of Lviv, several Polish media reports. 
According to information to Radio Zet, two rockets must have exploded. Two people are said to have died. 
Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has called a crisis meeting. "Prime Minister Morawiecki has urgently called a meeting of the Committee of the Council of Ministers for National Security and Defense Issues," writes Piotr Muller, the Prime Minister's spokesperson, on Twitter. 
- I urge you not to spread unconfirmed information. We will provide you with more information after the meeting, says Muller according to the newspaper Fakt 
During Tuesday, around 100 rockets were fired at Ukraine in a Russian mass attack. It is not yet confirmed whether the explosion in Poland is connected to today's attacks on Ukraine. 
The text is updated.

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