tisdag 23 juli 2024

Summer Olympic Games in Paris

Russian man arrested for plotting to "destabilize" the Olympics

French police on Tuesday arrested a Russian man suspected of planning to "destabilize" the Olympics, prosecutors said according to AFP.

No details are available about the plan, but the 40-year-old is suspected of having "supplied foreign powers with intelligence to incite hostilities in France". Up to 30 years in prison is on the punishment scale for the crime.

The plan was uncovered after police were sent to the man's home at the Home Office's request. The prosecutors state that the suspicion is not terror-related.

French authorities have deported 1,000 suspected spies from the Olympics, which begin on Friday.


1,000 suspected spies ported from Paris Olympics

Around 1,000 people suspected of acting on behalf of foreign states have been banned from the Summer Olympics in Paris, which begin on Friday, AP reports.

French authorities have conducted background checks on over a million volunteers and workers. A total of 5,000 people have been detained, and of these, 1,000 are suspected of "foreign influence - we can call it espionage," says Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin.

- We must ensure that sport is not used to spy, commit cyber attacks or criticize and sometimes even lie about France and the French, he adds.

Fransk polis grep på tisdagen en rysk man som misstänks ha planerat att ”destabilisera” OS, uppger åklagare enligt AFP.

Inga detaljer framgår om planen, men 40-åringen misstänks för att ha ”försett främmande makt med underrättelser för att uppvigla till fientligheter i Frankrike”. Upp till 30 års fängelse finns i straffskalan för brottet.

Planen avtäcktes efter att polis skickades till mannens bostad på inrikesdepartementets begäran. Åklagarna uppger att misstanken inte är terrorrelaterad.

Franska myndigheter har portat 1 000 misstänkta spioner från OS, som inleds på fredag.

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