onsdag 17 juli 2024

The arms dealer: Then there will be civil war

The assassination attempt on Donald Trump
Arms dealer on AR-15 ban: "Then there will be civil war"

Emil Forsberg

Published 13.28

MILWAUKEE. Donald Trump was shot with the Republicans' favorite rifle, the AR-15.

But not even the attack on the ex-president can change the gun laws, according to Scott Sobek.

- Then there will be civil war, says the 44-year-old arms dealer.

Quick version

Gun laws in the United States have sparked new debate after the attack on Donald Trump.

A semi-automatic AR-15 rifle - a weapon described as "America's rifle" by the US gun lobby and sold in the millions - was found next to the gunman who was shot dead, Thomas Matthew Crooks.

But which is also used in countless school shootings around the country.

During his election campaign last year, Donald Trump visited the DPMS Panther Arms company that manufactures the weapon he was shot in the ear with.

- It is fantastic, they have done a fantastic job. Incredible people, he said during the visit.

Vapenhandlaren Scott Sobek visar upp en AR-15, som man kan köpa för lite mer än 6000 kronor. Donald Trump sköts med en liknande modell.
Arms dealer Scott Sobek shows off an AR-15, which you can buy for a little more than SEK 6,000. Donald Trump was shot with a similar model. Photo: Nora Savosnick

At the Shooters shop in Milwaukee, business is business as usual.

Behind the counter is 44-year-old Scott Sobek, a former police chief who switched to selling everything from pistols, rifles and shotguns.

- We have been here for 44 years. There are many people in Milwaukee who have an interest in buying guns. Every day, people come in who want weapons for protection, hunting or sport shooting, he says.

Aftonbladet's team gets a tour of the store while he takes down an AR-15 rifle from the wall.

- This is a standard AR-15 with the standard magazine and a range of 730 meters. We probably sell ten a week.

Photo: Nora Savosnick

Why is it so popular?

- I would say that it mainly depends on the price. It costs between 600 and 1,000 dollars, but "the sky is the limit". They are easy to adapt, I call it the Lego of the arms industry, he says and continues:

- You can do anything with it. Have sight, lights, laser. There is a picture of a guy who had a chainsaw on his. Then you can have different colors. Follow here.

Trump sköts i örat under en kampanjtal natten mot söndagen svensk tid.
Trump was shot in the ear during a campaign speech on the night of Sunday Swedish time. Photo: Gene J. Puskar / AP
Thomas Matthew Crooks sköt Donald Trump med en AR-15 och blev själv ihjälskjuten av en av Secret Service prickskyttar.
Thomas Matthew Crooks shot Donald Trump with an AR-15 and was himself shot dead by one of the Secret Service snipers. Photo: AP

On the wall hang semi-automatic weapons in a range of different colors.

- There is a red one and one in camouflage. It has a different aim. Then we have a pink one for the ladies. But there is a great variety of them. If you have a burglar in the hall, a short barrel is good.

Can you take it with you on the street?

- Yes, you can have it on the street, but only if the barrel is short. Because then it is seen as a gun. So it's okay.

Scott Sobek säljer allt från pistoler och hagelgevär till automatvapen i sin butik ”Shooters shop”.
Scott Sobek sells everything from pistols and shotguns to automatic weapons in his shop "Shooters shop". Photo: Nora Savosnick

Critical voices have long questioned the need for an automatic weapon for civilians in the United States, something Scott Sobek is fighting back against.

- I think the critics are wrong because everyone should have what they want. A small pistol, a big rifle. It is up to each individual how they want to defend themselves and their home with.

Do you think regulation is needed?

- Not at all. Right now I feel that the laws and regulations are fine just the way they are. Everyone who buys a gun here goes through a state and federal background check. And I think all the men and women there do their jobs very well.

Photo: Nora Savosnick

When asked if he thinks gun laws will change after the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, Scott Sobek says:

- It is hard to say. They are not done with everything that happened and with what I know about regulations for the whole industry, I think this will increase sales in the next few months before the election. It always soars and we look forward to that.

But if the rules were to change, chaos would be expected, he believes.
- Then there will be civil war. One hundred percent.  

          Vapenförsäljning skjuter alltid i höjden inför presidentval i USA, säger Scott Sobek. 

Arms sales always soar before presidential elections in the United States, says Scott Sobek.Photo:  Nora Savosnick  

Photo: Nora Savosnick

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