torsdag 20 oktober 2022

Boris Johnson They can take over from Liz Truss







Alexander Bönke 

Published: Less than 2 hours ago 


Boris Johnson may stand as new party leader after Liz Truss. 

But his history speaks against him, according to Lena Karlsson at the Foreign Policy Institute. 

- It is still so infected after the corona restrictions, the shutdowns and party-gate, she says. 

Boris Johnson could make a comeback as British prime minister and may stand as a candidate to succeed Liz Truss as party leader of the British conservative Tories party, according to a source to The Times. 

But Lena Karlsson, editor at the Foreign Policy Institute and expert on British politics, believes that it will be difficult for him to be able to take over the torch from the outgoing prime minister after her record-short period as leader of Great Britain. 

Although there are many members of the Tories who still like him, his record speaks against him, she says. 

- I think it will be difficult for him to come back. It is still so infected after the corona restrictions, the shutdowns and party-gate. 

 Boris Johnson kan göra en comeback som brittisk premiärminister enligt en källa till The Times.
Boris Johnson could make a comeback as British Prime Minister, according to a source for The Times. Photo: Liam McBurney / AP TT 
Difficult to predict the future 
In general, it is difficult to predict what will happen in the future, says Lena Karlsson. 
That Liz Truss had to resign so quickly came as a surprise to many, and Lena Karlsson believes that yesterday's vote in the British Parliament to allow fracking in Great Britain may have accelerated the process. 
- It worked almost like a vote of confidence. She has backtracked on almost all of her policy points. Everything is very, very confused and that chaos probably made it go even faster, she says. 
Liz Truss was a weak candidate when she was elected and there is no given candidate who can unite the divided party, she says. 
- The party is so unbelievably divided and it creates new difficulties. That's why she was elected. There was no one who could rally the whole party behind him. 
Liz Truss meddelade sin avgång på en presskonferens under torsdagen.
Liz Truss announced her resignation at a press conference on Thursday. Photo: Kirsty O'Connor/AP TT 
Potential candidates 
There are still some potential candidates for the post of new party leader, she says. One is Penny Mordaunt who stood to take over as party leader in the last poll and came third in the poll. She has been a member of the British House of Commons since 2010 and was also a minister in Boris Johnson's government. 
- It went well for her last time and many thought that it was because many people knew so little about her. 
Penny Mordaunt.
Penny Mordaunt. Photo: Alastair Grant/AP
There is also speculation that Suella Braverman, who resigned as finance minister on Wednesday, could return as party leader and prime minister, but according to Lena Karlsson, she may be too extreme to be able to take the post. 
- She is too far to the right to be able to unite the party, I think, so it will probably be difficult. 
Suella Braverman
Suella Braverman Photo: Frank Augstein / AP 
The bookies' favorite is Rishi Sunak, 42 ​​years old and former Chancellor of the Exchequer until July 2022, who if he wins would become Britain's first Indian-origin prime minister. But according to Lena Karlsson, he also has an uphill battle when it comes to convincing the conservative party.
- He is doing well, but he is still perceived as having stabbed Boris Johnson in the back when he had to resign in the summer. 
Lena Karlsson, redaktör vid Utrikespolitiska Institutet.
Lena Karlsson, editor at the Foreign Policy Institute. Photo: Foreign Policy 
Institute The only one who has a real chance of uniting the divided party according to Lena Karlsson is Jeremy Hunt, who took over as finance minister after Suella Braverman resigned on Thursday, but he has said before that he will not run, she says. 
- He is the only one who has confirmed whether he will run or not. He has said he is not interested. 
Rishi Sunak, 42.
Rishi Sunak, 42. Photo: Scott Garfitt/AP 
Lena Karlsson does not believe that the political chaos could lead to new elections. Only the prime minister can call new elections and with the conservative party's weak position it is not very likely that they will call new elections right now 
- They do not want a new election in this situation. I think they will say they want to get the situation under control before they can take it 

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