söndag 16 oktober 2022

British politicsLiz Truss may be forced to resign - Tory party in crisis meeting

Jacob Ruderstam 
Published: Today 07.48 
Updated: Less than 3 hours ago 
Liz Truss' days as Prime Minister may be numbered. 
Several within the party want to carry out a "rescue mission" which means that the prime minister may be forced to resign. 
- She is in the departure hall now and she knows it, says an anonymous former minister to The Guardian. 
It continues to storm in British politics. Just days after Kwasi
was sacked as Chancellor of the Exchequer, calls are being raised for Prime Minister Liz Truss to resign. 
High-ranking politicians within the conservative Tory Party will meet on Monday to discuss the future of Prime Minister Liz Truss,
The Guardian
Several people have started planning a "rescue mission" to save the party. Some MPs want Liz Truss to resign within a couple of days. Others are also threatening to publicly call for her resignation, according to the paper. 
- She is in the departure hall now and she knows it. Now it's about whether she participates in the process and to some extent goes on her own terms, or whether she tries to resist and is forced out, says an anonymous former minister. 
Liz Truss.

Liz Truss. Photo: Daniel Leal / AP
"Dinner for adults" 
On Wednesday, Liz Truss is scheduled to attend a hearing in Parliament. Whether she will remain as prime minister until then is still unclear. One MP says it "would be grotesque" to put her through such a hearing. 
Between 15 and 20 former ministers and MPs have been invited to a 'dinner for adults' by supporters of Rishi Sunak. At the dinner, they will discuss how and when to depose Truss and replace her with Sunak. 
- They will just have to sit down and sort things out. It will now be a rescue mission for the Conservative Party and the economy. 
That is where we are, says a source to The Guardian. Criticism of Truss has flared up after the tax cut program the new prime minister presented with Kwasi Kwarteng when they took office. 
 Among other things, US President Joe Biden has criticized the plan. 
- I'm not the only one who thinks it was a mistake, he says according to Sky News.  
After the criticism, Truss has partially backed away from the proposal. 
The Labor Party has also directed sharp criticism at the Tory Party. New posters send a boot to Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng. "The fools crashed the economy" it says on the posters, which also cut out the faces of the prime minister and the former finance minister on test mannequins.
Labourpartiets affischer.
Labor party posters.

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