torsdag 6 oktober 2022


Mysterious sky phenomenon over Russian cities 
Of: Hans Österman Published: Today 00.39 
Mysterious pillars of light appeared in the sky in several Russian cities. 
Speculation that it was a new powerful weapon immediately began. 
But the explanation was crystal clear and completely natural. 
On Tuesday evening, the night sky in Moscow and Belgorod, among other places, was lit up by vertical yellow pillars, writes the exiled Russian newspaper Meduza(skriver den exilryska tidningen Meduza).The images quickly spread on social media and led to a series of fanciful theories. 
In Belgorod, which is a border town with Ukraine and has been hit by shelling several times, some internet users immediately concluded that the phenomenon had something to do with the war. 
"Today, the Russian Federation's newest weapon was used for the first time," wrote one blogger, according to Meduza. 
Other anonymous accounts on Telegram claimed that the beam of light came from the Peresvet laser weapon, which is supposed to be able to shoot down both airplanes and satellites. 
But Russian meteorologists on Wednesday debunked the myths (slog på onsdagen hål på myterna). The yellow pillars were a harmless and not entirely unusual halo phenomenon. 
It is also described by SMHI (Det beskrivs även av SMHI) and is then called a vertical column. They occur when the sun, moon or an artificial light source shines on ice crystals in the air. According to SMHI, it can occur in frost fog or frost haze in winter. 
Bilder av ljusfenomenet.
Pictures of the light phenomenon. Pictures of the light phenomenon.

Convincing: There have been detonations in the sea
The gas leaks on Nord Stream 1 and 2 The blockades at Nord Stream have been lifted Seized on the spot 


Jacob Ruderstam 

Fanny Westling 

Published: Less than 3 hours ago  

Updated:   Less than 3 hours ago


The blockades in the Baltic Sea have been lifted. 

Säpo now confirms that detonations have taken place at Nord Stream 1 and 2, and that suspicions of serious sabotage have been strengthened. 

- There is pre-trial confidentiality and the matter is very sensitive, says Chamber prosecutor Mats Ljungqvist in a press release. 

At 1 p.m. on Thursday, the closures around the leaks at Nord Stream 1 and 2 in the Baltic Sea were lifted. 

Prosecutors and the Security Police state that the suspicions of sabotage have been strengthened. 

- We can confirm that there have been detonations at Nord Stream 1 and 2 in the Swedish economic zone, which have caused extensive damage to the gas pipelines. The crime scene investigation has strengthened the suspicions of gross sabotage, says District Attorney Mats Ljungqvist, who leads the preliminary investigation, in a press release. 

Gas väller upp i Östersjön.

Gas wells up in the Baltic Sea. Photo: AP TT NEWS AGENCY 

Säpo: Very serious 

The crime scene investigation, which has been carried out by the Coast Guard, the Armed Forces and the Police Authority, is thus completed. 

In connection with it, the site has been seized, which is to be investigated. The case is subject to pre-trial confidentiality and is very sensitive. 

The security police call the situation very serious. 

- We, like many others, have seen how the security policy situation in Europe has deteriorated. We follow developments closely and take the necessary measures to protect Sweden's security, says Karl Melin, press manager at the Security Police. 

He does not want to go into what type of seizure they have taken. 

Fastidious law 

On Monday, prosecutors decided to block off the Baltic Sea around two of the leaks. 

The question of who has the right to act legally at the site has been questioned - most recently today by Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova. 

- Not allowing the owner to investigate means that there is something to hide, she says according to Reuters. 

Mats Ljungqvist claims that Sweden has, with the support of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, the authority to act legally over a facility such as Nord Stream 1 and 2 in the section that is within the Swedish economic zone. 

- It has been a question of a cordon off of a very limited area both in time and to the surface. According to the Convention on the Law of the Sea, reasonableness and all relevant circumstances must be taken into account when interests are opposed to each other in the economic zone. It includes taking into account the importance that the interests concerned have, both for the respective parties and for the entire international community. Against that background, I gave directives to temporarily block and carry out a crime scene investigation, he says in the press release.

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