tisdag 11 oktober 2022

Russia's letter to Sweden: The print shows how the pipes were blown up


Russia: The print shows how the pipes burst The gas leaks on Nord Stream 1 and 2 
John Granlund 
Published: Today 10.44 
Updated: Today 12.56 
In the near future, Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson is expected to send her response letter to the Russian Prime Minister 
- who demands that the country be allowed to participate in Säpo's investigation into Nord Stream. 
In the Russian letter that will soon be answered, the Prime Minister of Russia goes into technical details about the pipelines and writes that the damage cannot come from inside the pipes, according to Aftonbladet's information.
- They state that their measurements of the pressure drop prove it, says an authority source. 
People with access have described to Aftonbladet how a central first question in the Security Police's investigation of the Russian pipelines is whether the explosive force struck from inside the pipes - or from outside(inifrån rören – eller utifrån).
In his letter to Magdalena Andersson, Russian Prime Minister Michail Misjustin goes into precisely these technical issues and states that the pipes were attacked from outside, according to a Swedish authority source who has read the contents of the letter. 
- They write that it must be about deliberate sabotage. 
Michail Misjustin, Rysslands premiärminister

Mikhail Misjustin, Prime Minister of Russia Photo: Dmitry Astakhov / AP 
Requires participation 
As evidence, the Russian Prime Minister cites a relationship derived from Nord Stream's internal measurements of the pressure in the pipelines. 
- They write that the nature of the pressure drop makes them certain that the leaks are due to external physical damage. 
In his letter, the Russian Prime Minister writes that the country "insists" that Russian authorities should be allowed to participate in all parts of the Säpo investigation, according to Aftonbladet's information. 
- They write that it is about Russia's most important object in energy infrastructure, says an authority source. 
It is already known that Russia in its letter demands to participate in the Security Police's preliminary investigation into the sabotage. However, it has been forcefully rejected by the Swedish government, most recently yesterday when Magdalena Andersson, prime minister in the transitional government, visited the Coast Guard in Karlskrona: 
- There is pre-trial confidentiality and that also applies in this case, she said. 
Feel free to explore 
Currently, the Government Office is working on a reply letter to the Russian Prime Minister, which is expected to be delivered to the Russian Embassy in the near future. 
At the same time, Magdalena Andersson points out that it is free for Russia and the owners of the pipes to examine the pipes on the seabed. 
- The Swedish economic zone is not a territory that Sweden disposes of. Now we have released the blockades and then it is also possible for other ships to stay in the area, that is what the rules look like.
          Photo: AP TT NEWS AGENCY 
                    I den röda ringen syns avvikelsen mellan den första och andra detonationen, vilket tyder på en tredje explosion enligt seismolog Björn Lund.
The red ring shows the deviation between the first and second detonation, which indicates a third explosion according to seismologist Björn Lund. Photo: Uppsala University 

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