torsdag 11 juli 2024

28 dead in the heat

28 dead in heat wave

Amanda Hällsten

Published 12.22

Extrem värmebölja råder i västra USA.
Extreme heat wave prevails in the western United States. Photo: Ty Oneil/AP

A heat wave is sweeping across large parts of the United States.

So far, at least 28 people have died.

Several states in the US have been affected by extremely high temperatures. In California, Oregon and Arizona in particular, the heat is expected to last.

At the same time, more and more deaths have been reported in several places. So far, at least 28 people have died and it is feared that the number will rise, reports the Washington Post.

The heat wave hit last week and is expected to last until the weekend. Most of the deaths have been reported in California, where record high temperatures have been measured in recent days.

In Santa Clara County, a chief medical examiner says they are investigating 14 deaths that may be due to heat-related causes.

The majority of people are over 65 and many of them have been found dead in their homes.

Two cases have concerned homeless people.

En festivalbesökare i Oregon svalkar sig i den extrema hettan. 
A festival goer in Oregon cools off in the extreme heat. Photo: Jenny Kane/AP

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