fredag 12 juli 2024

Woman dead - bitten by mosquito in tourist paradise


Deadly mosquito virus spreads in Spanish tourist paradise

Nelly Kronstrand

Updated 22.26 | Published 22.01

Viruset överförs till människor via bett från smittade myggor.
The virus is transmitted to humans via the bite of infected mosquitoes. Photo: Johan Nilsson / TT / TT News Agency
A woman has died after being bitten by a mosquito in Spain.

Now the authorities are warning about the spread of the tropical viral disease Nile fever.

Several people have been confirmed infected.

The virus causes symptoms such as headache, high fever, convulsions, tremors and, in severe cases, paralysis and coma.

Nile fever is a deadly mosquito-borne virus that is transmitted to humans through the bites of infected mosquitoes.

So far, Spanish authorities have confirmed four cases of the virus. One of the victims is a 71-year-old woman who died, The Mirror reports.

Concern among the population

Now Andalusia issues a warning for Nile fever and the level of preparedness has been raised in the region.

The infected people despite being bitten by mosquitoes in the municipalities of Los Palacios y Villafranca and Coria del Río in the province of Seville.

In a statement, Andalusian authorities confirm that the virus has spread in the region in recent weeks - and has been detected in several municipalities.

Furthermore, the authorities state that the spread of infection is causing concern among the population and the health authorities.
De smittade personerna tros ha blivit bitna i provinsen Sevilla i Spanien.
The infected people are believed to have been bitten in the province of Seville in Spain. Photo: Alamy Stock Photo

Three days in hospital

The others who have been infected are a 72-year-old man, a 46-year-old woman and a 41-year-old man.

The younger man had to seek medical care at the Virgen del Rocío University Hospital. Only three days later could he be discharged.

Nile fever can develop into a serious disease where approximately one in 150 infected people get severe symptoms, the newspaper writes.

Nile fever

Nile fever is also called West Nile fever.

West Nile fever is a viral disease spread by mosquitoes.

The disease is reported from large parts of the world, for example from Asia, Africa and Europe. The disease is often mild with flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache and muscle aches.

In severe cases, the disease can cause meningitis, myocarditis and death.

Source: Public Health Agency.

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