tisdag 18 oktober 2022

The gas leaks on Nord Stream 1 and 2

New information on the Nord Stream explosion 50 meter long tears, according to Expressen 

Amanda Hällsten 
Published: Today 06.39 
Updated: Today 09.21 
The gas pipelines between Russia and Germany were blown up on the night of September 28. 
Now newly taken underwater pictures show the damage after the attack, Expressen  reports. 
At least 50 meters of the thick metal pipe appears to be missing, according to the paper. 
Last Friday, the Coast Guard announced that the bubbles above the Nord Stream pipes were no longer visible, which meant that the gas had stopped leaking.
Expressen has now investigated the site and taken the first public images of the damaged pipes and holes with the help of a drone. 
One of the newspaper's photos shows twisted remains of the several centimeter-thick steel on Nord Stream 1, which lies at a depth of 80 meters. At least 50 meters of the gas line appears to be missing, according to the newspaper. 
- You can see that there has been a very large impact on the seabed around the pipe. There are grooves in the lakebed where the pipes have been, where you can see broken objects that look like pipe parts, says drone pilot Trond Larsen, from the Norwegian company Blueye Robotics, who helped the newspaper take the photos. 
Photo: Graphics: Paul Wallander 
It is unclear who is behind the sabotage 
Nord Stream 1 and 2 run from Russia to Germany, through the Baltic Sea. Parts of the gas pipelines pass through the Swedish economic zone. Other parts go through the Danish zone. 
It was on September 28 that the sabotage was discovered. Three different holes have formed in the gas pipes after someone blew them up. 
Who is behind the sabotage of the giant pipes is still unclear. Intensive investigations are currently underway from Swedish, Danish and German sides. 
The accusations have spread in different directions. Russia was quickly singled out as responsible for the sabotage by several experts. At the same time, Russia raised suspicions that the United States could be involved in the operation. 
People with access have also described to Aftonbladet how a central first question in the Security Police's investigation of the Russian pipelines is whether the explosive force struck from inside the pipes - or from outside(inifrån rören – eller utifrån).

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