tisdag 18 oktober 2022

UK Liz Truss apologizes after political storm

Emmanuel Silva 
Published: Yesterday 23.05 
Updated: Today 00.01 
Liz Truss has had a turbulent first few weeks at her new job. 
Now the British Prime Minister is coming out and apologizing for the "mistakes" she has made since taking office. 
- I realize that we have made mistakes, she says in an interview with the BBC. 
British Prime Minister Liz Truss has apologized for the "mistakes" she has made since taking office a few weeks ago. 
- I want to take responsibility and say sorry for the mistakes that have been made, she says in an interview with the BBC.
- I have acted quickly to correct these mistakes. And I've been honest with what the mistakes were. What we need to do now is to move on and deliver for the good of the country, she says further. 
Political storm in the UK 
There has been quite a storm in British politics in recent days. Liz Truss sacked Finance Minister Kwasi Kwarteng. 
The announcement came after the finance minister presented a supplementary budget proposal that drew huge criticism (enorm kritik).
After Kwarteng was fired, basically all tax cuts in the controversial budget proposal were scrapped. 
"Went too far and too fast" 
Since then, voices have been raised within the Conservative Party that Liz Truss should resign. But Truss says she has no plans to. 
- I intend to stay and work for the good of the country, she says. 
In the interview with the BBC, Truss said she wanted to help people with their electricity bills and urgently deal with the issue of high taxes. 
- But we went too far and too fast, she notes.

Wants to carry out "rescue missions" 

Several within the conservative party(Flera inom det konservativa partiet) want to carry out a "rescue mission" which means that the prime minister may be forced to resign. 
Some MPs want Truss to resign already within a couple of days. Some of the members have gone out with public appeals. 

Conservative politician and MP Crispin Blunt says it is "blindingly obvious" that Truss must resign, writes Sky News.
- She is in the departure hall now and she knows it, an anonymous former minister told The Guardian.
3 tim 
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