fredag 21 juni 2024

The extreme heat does not stop tourists: "Frustration"


The extreme heat does not stop tourists: "Frustration"

Matthias Kjellman

Published 2024-06-20 06.48

The early heat wave in Europe has devastating consequences in Greece.

In eleven days, five tourists have died due to the heat and an anger is growing among the locals that tourists are underestimating the heat.

- There is a sense of frustration among the local population but they are also very sad, a local resident told the Independent.

The summer has started with extreme heat in several places in Europe.

But heat warnings and clear calls for caution do not stop tourists' holiday dreams.

A 55-year-old American man died on the Greece island of Mathraki, local police said Monday. He is one of five tourists who have died as a result of the extreme heat in Greece in just eleven days.

- There is a common pattern - they all went on a hike in the middle of high temperatures, said Petros Vassilakis, a police spokesman, to Reuters.

Health guru Michel Mosley, 67, was found dead after being mising for days on a Greek island. He went for a walk in rough terrain and died two hours after saying goodbye to his wife on the beach.

Last year too, the searing heat led to tourists collapsing and as a precautionary measure this year the Acropolis was closed due to a record early heat wave in Greece.

Michael Mosley hittades död efter att ha varit försvunnen i flera dagar på en grekisk ö.
Michael Mosley was found dead after being missing for several days on a Greek island. Photo: Handout / Reuters
"People forget quickly"

Greece is not the only country in southern Europe to experience this high heat - and it has raised fears of a repeat of last year's extreme weather.

Even though locals and tourists had to sleep in schools and sports halls when large fires hit Rhodes last year - the island is among the Swedish travel companies' most popular destinations this summer.

- People quickly forget things that are negative. Maybe not if you yourself have found yourself in an extreme situation, then you might think about whether you want to experience something similar again, says Stefan Gössling, professor of tourism science at Linnaeus University to TT.

- But for most people it is abstract. As a tourist, you can't really relate to these risks that are everywhere and will only increase, he says.
En turist dricker vatten under ett paraply framför Akropolis i Aten.
A tourist drinks water under an umbrella in front of the Acropolis in Athens. Photo: Petros Giannakouris/AP
The authorities warn

The temperature has reached high levels. In Chania, 44.5 degrees were measured on Thursday, writes The Guardian. Red Cross volunteers have distributed thousands of bottles of free water and local authorities are urging tourists to be better informed about the weather conditions - and the dangers that come with them.

Eleftherios Papakalodoukas, mayor of the island of Symis, wants to install cameras and lighting on paths and hiking trails.

- If there is a lesson to be learned from the tragedy (of Mosley's death), it is that these roads need to be taken care of better so that people do not get lost, he says.
En stor räddningsinsats letade efter en 74-årig turist på Samos. Efter nästan en vecka hittades han död.
A large rescue operation was searching for a 74-year-old tourist on Samos. After almost a week, he was found dead. Photo: Hellenic Rescue Team
Several fires are expected

The dry and hot weather caused a fire near Athens on Wednesday.

Strong winds fanned the flames, forcing residents of Koropi to flee their homes. The firefighters had to fight hard with the extinguishing work.

The fire is one of many so far this season and more are expected during the summer.

             En brandman bekämpar en skogsbrand i Koropi under onsdagen.
             A firefighter fights a forest fire in Koropi on Wednesday. Photo: Petros Giannakouris / AP

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