tisdag 18 juni 2024

RIGHT NOW: Yes to the defense agreement

Now the Riksdag has voted on the DCA agreement

Noam Bertling

Updated 21.50 | Published 21.42

The high-profile defense agreement (DCA) between Sweden and the USA was debated in the Riksdag during the day.

Now they have voted yes.

This is what the agreement means - and so was the voting result.

DCA, Defense Cooperation Agreement, is a new defense agreement between Dess syfte Sweden and The USA. Its purpose shall be to deepen defense cooperation by regulating the conditions for the presence of American forces in Sweden.

Ahead of the vote, six parties have expressed their support for the agreement and two parties negative (V and MP). The six positive parties believe that the agreement works for stability and deterrence against Russia, while the two negative parties mainly point to risks with nuclear weapons and legislation.

The Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee proposed on Thursday that the Riksdag approve the agreement.

The Riksdag has now voted yes to the agreement. 266 Members of Parliament voted yes and 37 voted no.

The points discussed - and the criticism

Basically, the 30-page long agreement is about making it easier and faster for American soldiers to come to Sweden. There are a lot of details, including how to tax and how to register cars, but there are certain details that stand out.

One of the points is that the agreement gives the US access to 17 military bases and training areas in Sweden. Then the US gets the opportunity to both store military equipment and carry out operations on Swedish soil.

Critics, in the Riksdag the Green Party and the Left Party, see risks in US soldiers having to obey American law when they are here, and point out, for example, that Swedish sex crime legislation is more far-reaching than American.

At the same time, Sweden has an opportunity to take back the right to judge American personnel in certain cases, if it is considered to be of particular importance.

The talked about nuclear weapons

Another point, perhaps the most talked about, is that the agreement lacks writings about nuclear weapons. Critics believe that it will lead to nuclear weapons on Swedish soil. They point out that Norway and Denmark's corresponding agreement has a clear wording that states that nuclear weapons shall not be placed in the country during peacetime.

However, Foreign Minister Tobias Billström  has pointed out that no country can be forced to use nuclear weapons against its will and that Sweden's refusal to allow nuclear weapons on Swedish soil in peacetime is well known and has been respected.


5 points on the defense agreement DCA

The evening paper

Updated 08.09 | Published 07.50

Today, Sweden's Riksdag will decide on a new defense agreement with the United States.

Here is the agreement in five points.

1. The purpose of the defense agreement

The new agreement - Defense Cooperation Agreement (DCA) - between Sweden and the USA aims to deepen defense cooperation by regulating the conditions for the presence of American forces in Sweden. The agreement creates a framework for continued and strengthened military cooperation between the countries.

2. Access to bases

According to the agreement, the US gets free access to 17 military bases and training areas in Sweden. It makes it possible for the US to store military equipment and carry out operations on Swedish soil. 

3. The criticism

Critics believe that the agreement risks undermining Swedish sovereignty and creating tensions in the region. Some argue that the presence of American forces could make Sweden a potential target in the event of conflicts. There are also fears that the agreement opens the door for the US to bring nuclear weapons to Sweden, which the government claims is not true.

4. US involvement

Those who want to vote through the agreement believe that it not only strengthens Sweden's defense capabilities, but also the security framework for neighboring countries. It is seen as a strategic move to demonstrate US commitment to the region's security. By allowing soldiers from the USA to come to Sweden faster, the deterrence against Russia is strengthened, the idea is.

Enligt avtalet får USA fri tillgång till 17 militära baser och övningsområden i Sverige.
According to the agreement, the US gets free access to 17 military bases and training areas in Sweden. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

5. Then it should be ready

In order for the DCA to enter into force, approval from the Swedish Riksdag is required and the necessary legislative changes are implemented. The entire process is expected to be completed in 2024.

The point list is created with the support of AI tools from Perplexity and is quality assured by Aftonbladet.

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