torsdag 20 juni 2024

The new election in France

Macron's tactics: First hit the left, then the right

The new election to the French National Assembly has been described as the far-right National Assembly's big chance to take power for the first time. But President Emmanuel Macron has spent much of the election campaign attacking the left.

It is a deliberate tactic to maximize the chances of his party Renässans, writes Le Monde. Macron's hope is to split the hastily assembled left-wing coalition formed just one day after the election was called.

The strategy is election tactical. The idea is for the left to split before the first round of elections, which will be held on June 30, and for Renaissance candidates to qualify for the second round in as many districts as possible. Next, the president hopes to mobilize voters in the center and on the left to defeat the National Assembly in the second round.


The left: Macron adopts the language of the extreme right

French President Emmanuel Macron is borrowing his language from the extreme right to try to undermine the newly formed leftist coalition in France. The accusation comes from the Socialist Party's party secretary Olivier Faure.

On Tuesday, Macron launched a fierce attack on the left-wing alliance.

- They will roll back the immigration law and have purely farcical proposals such as letting people change their gender in the city hall, Macron said, referring to the fact that the coalition is going to the polls on a proposal to make it easier to change legal gender.

Several interest groups have reacted strongly and call Macron's comment "transphobic".

- How is it possible that the man who was elected and re-elected on confronting the extreme right in reality uses the talking points of the extreme right? says Faure to RTL, according to AFP.

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