onsdag 3 juli 2024

The election in Great Britain

Top Tories admit defeat: 'It's over'

Rishi Sunak has not yet wanted to admit defeat ahead of tomorrow's British election, despite almost all opinion polls pointing to a victory for Labour. But two high-ranking politicians within the Conservative Party have now thrown in the towel.

"You have to see the obvious: it's over and we have to prepare for the reality and frustration of being in opposition," wrote former Home Secretary Suella Braverman in The Telegraph yesterday.

Mel Stride, Minister for Work and Pensions, has also commented on the upcoming election.

- I fully accept that the opinion polls at the moment mean that tomorrow we are likely to see the largest majority this country has ever seen, he says to the BBC's radio program "Today". 


Analysis: Starmer reaps the benefits of Sunak's gamble

Almost everything points to Keir Starmer and Labor winning the British election. That's what Sky News' Beth Rigby writes in an analysis before the residents of Great Britain go to the polls on Thursday. According to her, Labour's progress and performance is "amazing".

"Mr Sunak took a gamble in May by calling a summer election, and now it looks like Sir Keir will reap the rewards," she writes.

Chris Mason at the BBC writes that the entire Conservative Party has prepared itself for defeat of catastrophic proportions. At the same time, he believes that the smaller parties Liberal Democrats and the Green Party can achieve good election results.

"We stand on the threshold of what looks to be a historic election," he writes.

Ishaan Tharoor writes in The Washington Post that previous analyzes that the Tories are "on the brink of extinction" are unfair. At the same time, it is not possible to turn a blind eye to the fact that everything points to a historic defeat for Rishi Sunak, he writes.

"Imminent Labor majority arrives in wake of Tory disaster".


Johnson's criticism: "Labour cannot achieve anything"

On Tuesday evening, former Prime Minister Boris Johnson appeared during the Tories' election campaign at the Army Museum in London. He directed criticism at Labor and the party's leader Keir Starmer.

- They cannot achieve anything in this election except to form the most left-wing government since the war, he says according to The Guardian.

The British newspaper also notes that Johnson avoided talking about current Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

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