onsdag 3 juli 2024

The Panic Move: Summons Boris after the crisis figures


Boris Johnson
Tories' panic move: Boris Johnson moves in

Emil Forsberg

Published 00.09

Boris Johnson.
Boris Johnson. Photo: Carl Court / Getty Images Europe
The Tories are under heavy pressure ahead of Thursday's general election in Great Britain.

Distressed party leaders are already claiming that "it's over".

At the last moment, it has been decided to call in Boris Johnson.
Quick version
On Thursday, Great Britain goes to parliamentary elections. All opinion polls indicate that Labor will be the big winners and that party leader Keir Starmer will take over as Prime Minister on July 5.

At the same time, heavy Tory politicians have begun to admit defeat.

"It's over and we have to prepare for the reality and frustration of being in opposition," writes former interior minister Suella Braverman in a comment in The Telegraph.
Rishi Sunak.
Rishi Sunak. Photo: Phil Noble/AP
The biggest concern for the Tories is that Labor will get a so-called "supermajority" in parliament.

And at the very last minute they have now called in Boris Johnson to turn public opinion around. Something the Telegraph likens to "pressing the panic button".
BoJo's surprise

Johnson made a surprise appearance in London on Tuesday night, declaring it was not too late to stop Labour.

- Isn't it the height of madness if the polls are right, that we are about to give Labor a supermajority, he said.
Keir Starmer.
Keir Starmer. Photo: Stefan Rousseau / AP
He then backed Prime Minister Rishi Sunak whom he accused two years ago of having caused his resignation.
"Must thank Boris"

Sunak responded by thanking Johnson for the support.

- I have to thank Boris for being here and for his support. It's good, is not it? he said.

According to The Guardian, Sunak has told his inner party circle that he fears losing his constituency of Yorkshire. He would then become the first sitting prime minister to lose his constituency.

- He is really afraid of a defeat in Richmond. He's rattled now and can't quite believe it's this close, says a source to the newspaper.

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