tisdag 2 juli 2024

The election in the United States|The electoral movement

Senior Democrat first to call on Joe Biden to drop out

Lloyd Doggett of Texas becomes the first Democratic politician to openly call on Joe Biden to drop out of the presidential race against Republican Donald Trump, AP reports.

- I hope he will make the painful and difficult decision to drop out, says the congressman in a statement.

He adds that Joe Biden should drop out because he has always "unlike Trump prioritized the United States and not himself."

Since last week's debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, there have been media reports that many Democrats want Biden to drop out. Doggett, who served in Congress for 15 terms, will be the first to say so openly.


One in three Democrats think Biden should drop out - wants Obama

One in three Democratic voters think Joe Biden should drop out of the presidential campaign — but there's no one else they think would stand a chance against Trump. This is according to an opinion poll from Reuters and Ipsos.

Michelle Obama was the only hypothetical candidate in the poll who received stronger support than Biden. She was also the only one to defeat Trump in a hypothetical election by 50 to 39 percent. The crux is that Obama, married to ex-president Barack, has said several times that she is not interested in running for office.

More and more people are questioning Joe Biden's suitability for the November election after his poor debate against Trump last week. On Tuesday, the first Democratic congressman openly said that Biden should drop out.


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