onsdag 3 juli 2024

The situation in the West Bank

Israel takes the largest area in the West Bank in 30 years

Israel's government has approved the annexation of 12.7 square kilometers of land in the occupied West Bank - the largest in 30 years, according to the Israeli peace movement Peace Now, according to AFP.

A document provided to the news agency by Peace Now shows that Israel's West Bank Territorial Affairs Authority declared the Jordan Valley area "state property" in June.


Israel seizes a record amount of land in the West Bank

Israel has taken a large area of ​​land in the occupied West Bank, several news agencies write. It is the Israeli organization Peace Now, which critically examines settlers, that states that authorities in the country have approved the seizure of 12.7 square kilometers of land in the Jordan Valley.

It is the largest area Israel has taken in 30 years, according to the organization.

After the war between Israel and Hamas broke out last October, violence in the West Bank has increased. Over 550 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli attacks, according to Palestinian authorities.

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