torsdag 27 februari 2025

American aid

Alarm: Over half a million could die from AIDS

The US's withdrawn aid program to reduce HIV could lead to over half a million more deaths over the next ten years in South Africa alone. This is what Linda-Gail Bekker, head of the Desmond Tutu HIV Foundation in South Africa, says after the announcement that the contributions have been withdrawn, reports AFP.

- We will see lives lost, she says.

According to Linda-Gail Bekker, studies also show that up to half a million people will be affected by the disease due to the cuts.

Donald Trump has decided to terminate 90 percent of all contracts from the American aid organization USAID.

The slaughter of USAID will be permanent: "Unnecessary suffering"

First, Donald Trump stopped all payments from the world's largest aid organization USAID for 90 days. Now he has decided to permanently terminate 90 percent of all contracts, reports AP.

The consequences will be hunger, children born with HIV and other tragedies, states an American alliance of charities:

"This unnecessary suffering will not make the United States safer, stronger or richer. Rather, it will create instability, migration and desperation".

Liz Schrayer of the US Global Leadership Coalition, an advocacy group, said in a statement quoted by the AP that the United States will lose ground and influence to China, Russia and Iran.

Larmet: Över en halv miljon kan dö i aids

USA:s indragna biståndsprogram som ska minska hiv kan att leda till över en halv miljon fler dödsfall de kommande tio åren bara i Sydafrika. Det säger Linda-Gail Bekker, chef för organisationen Desmond Tutu HIV Foundation i Sydafrika, efter beskedet om att bidragen dragits in, rapporterar AFP.

– Vi kommer att se liv förloras, säger hon.

Enligt Linda-Gail Bekker visar studier även att upp emot en halv miljon människor kommer att drabbas av sjukdomen på grund av nedskärningarna.

Donald Trumps har beslutat att avsluta 90 procent av alla kontrakt från den amerikanske biståndsorganisation USAID.

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