fredag 20 september 2024


The development of AI
Investors are betting that Open AI will be worth a thousand billion

The latest funding round for Open AI is expected to value the company at $150 billion, according to sources to several media outlets. Some of the venture capital companies foresee the AI ​​pioneer becoming a leader in the sector and can reach a sky-high valuation, reports the Financial Times.

- We are talking about the path to building a company worth over 1,000 billion dollars, says an anonymous partner at an investment company that has entered Open AI, to the newspaper.

Other venture capital firms, such as Andreessen Horowitz and Sequoia Capital, have already invested in Open AI and are foregoing the current round, sources told the FT.


The nuclear power debate

Three Mile Island is brought to life - Microsoft signs agreement

Constellation Energy invests the equivalent of 16 billion kroner in putting the nuclear power plant Three Mile Island's second reactor into operation, after it was closed in 2019 for financial reasons. This is reported by AFP. The plan is for production to resume by 2028.

The energy company has Microsoft with it on the train. The companies have entered into an agreement in which Microsoft undertakes to buy all the electricity produced by the plant for two decades.

Three Mile Island's first reactor has been closed since a partial meltdown that occurred in 1979, known in Sweden as the Harrisburg accident.


Alibaba Challenges Chat GPT - Releases 100s of AI Models

The Chinese tech giant Alibaba has launched over 100 generative AI models, several media reports.

The so-called open source models have functions such as making videos from text, advanced mathematics and have support for 29 languages, writes Reuters.

The investment makes Alibaba a challenger to Chat GPT developer Open AI, writes the news agency.

Alibaba's stock rose nearly 5 percent on Wall Street on Thursday.

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