måndag 16 september 2024


Political situation in Great Britain
The party urges Starmer: Sound positive about the economy

Britain's new Prime Minister Keir Starmer has been told to sound more optimistic about the country's economy. This after he sounded "too depressed" ahead of the budget presentation in October, Labor sources told The Guardian.

According to the information, the dark voices risk scaring away investments that the British desperately need after a "budget hole of 300 billion" kroner was discovered.

- The fiscal situation is tough, but the opportunities for this country are enormous, says an anonymous party source to the newspaper.

Among other things, Starmer has hinted that taxes will have to be raised and that it "will be painful" when the new budget is presented on October 30.


NATO process Sweden's membership
Sweden can be given responsibility for NATO headquarters in Finland

Sweden's Minister of Defense Pål Jonson (M) confirms that Sweden will lead a NATO base in northern Finland. The Swedish-led NATO headquarters in Finland will become part of NATO's Framework nation arrangement, writes SVT Nyheter.

- We are at an early stage of this process, says the Minister of Defense at a press meeting together with the Finnish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Antti Häkkänen.

He states that Sweden is honored to have been asked by Finland.

The headquarters aims to make it easier for NATO to be able to quickly send reinforcements to Finland in the event of war. It could be up and running in 2026.

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