fredag 20 september 2024

The Russian invasion.

The Russian invasion. The outside world's response
von der Leyen promises aid of 35 billion to Ukraine

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen promises 35 billion euros in quick loans to Ukraine, reports TT. It will be the EU's share of the EUR 50 billion loan that the G7 countries agreed on already in June.

Today, the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, is visiting Kyiv for the eighth time, and she is expected to discuss Ukraine's energy supply, defense and upcoming loans from the G7 countries.


The Russian invasion The sanctions
Kubal employees after the Russian withdrawal: "Not positive"

There is concern among the employees at the Kubal aluminum factory in Sundsvall after a huge payout of nearly SEK 800 million to the Russian owners, writes Sundsvall's Tidning.

One employee says that it "doesn't feel good in the stomach", another that it is "of course not positive", and several worry about their future.

- Shareholders usually take profits out of their companies, so in that way I can live with the fact that it has happened, but the question is whether the world can live with it, says a man in Kubaloverall to the local newspaper.


The Russian InvasionThe Battles
Document: Russia knew about Ukraine's plans months before the Kursk offensive

Russia's military command anticipated Ukraine's plans for an offensive in Kursk and spent months trying to prevent it. The Guardian writes this with reference to documents that the Ukrainian military claims to have seized in the border region. The information makes Russia's failed attempt to stop Ukraine's "surprise offensive" even more embarrassing, the newspaper writes.

Already at the beginning of January, there were reports that Ukrainian forces had the potential to make a "breakthrough" across the border. In mid-March, Russian units were ordered to strengthen their defensive lines, and in June there was a specific warning that Ukraine was planning an offensive aimed at taking the city of Sudzha, something it did in August.

According to The Guardian, it has not been possible to verify the authenticity of the documents, but states that they bear the typical characteristics of genuine Russian army communications.

Ryska invasionenOmvärldens svar

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