tisdag 17 september 2024

The future of the EU

Analysis: "Should scare the life out of European decision makers"

The 400-page report produced by Mario Draghi on European competitiveness should "scare the life out of European citizens and decision-makers". That's what the economic journalist Katrine Kielos writes in a column in SvD.

“Almost no one has said that he is wrong in his analysis. The criticism is instead about his solution being 'impossible'," writes Kielos.

In the Financial Times, Daniela Schwarzer is on a similar track and calls on Germany to listen to the message from Draghi.

"The time when Germans could regard bad economic news from Europe as someone else's problem is over," she writes.
Kristerson condemns Draghi's proposal on EU loans: "Skeptical"

The EU needs to invest an additional 800 billion euros a year in order not to lose competitiveness against China and the United States, suggested investigator Mario Draghi last week. But financing investments with increased joint debt would be unwise, says Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (M).

- EU reports usually boil down to the fact that you jointly need to borrow large sums of money. On that point, we, along with other countries, are skeptical, he says in an interview with Bloomberg on Monday.

Sweden has long been on the same side as, above all, the Netherlands and Germany when it comes to the EU's borrowing. According to Bloomberg, it is more likely that the countries can support other parts of Draghi's report, such as the proposal to reduce the regulatory burden on companies.

Reactions since the report was released a week ago have been strong. Daniel Ek writes that he "couldn't agree more" and according to economic journalist Katrine Kielos, the conclusions should "scare the life out of European citizens and decision-makers".

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