torsdag 19 september 2024

Political situation in Georgia

LGBTQ refugees warn: Georgia is not safe

LGBTQ people who fled Georgia for fear of being exposed to crime are now worried that they will be extradited. Reuters reports.

Georgia is considered a "safe country" in many European countries, which activists and lawyers believe could mean that LGBTQ refugees from Georgia have their asylum applications rejected.

- LGBTQ people cannot live openly and safely without being persecuted in Georgia, either by the government, society, or their own family members, says Ayesha Aziz of the British aid organization Rainbow Migration to the news agency.

She believes that the European states must update their view of Georgia as a safe country for LGBTQ people to reflect the country's authoritarian development.
Trans model murdered - the day after new LGBT law

The trans person and model Kesaria Abramidze, 37, has been murdered in her home in the Georgian capital Tblisi. The Guardian reports.

According to the newspaper, Abramidze was one of the country's first openly transgender people. The murder took place the day after the government on Tuesday approved a controversial law that is expected to severely curtail the rights of LGBTQ people in the country.

One person has reportedly been arrested, suspected of the murder. The motive is unknown, but critics say it can be linked to government policy.

"There is a direct correlation between hate speech in politics and hate crimes," says the organization Social Justice Center, in a statement.

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