söndag 22 september 2024


The US-China relationship
Task: The US wants to ban Chinese technology in smart cars

The US Commerce Department is preparing a bill to ban certain Russian and Chinese technology in cars, Reuters reports citing sources.

The proposal can be presented as early as Monday, writes the news agency.

Modern internet-connected cars – and especially cars with self-driving technology – are seen as vulnerable to cyber-attacks if the software was developed in China or Russia. For security reasons, there may be talk of banning both hardware and software in the cars, writes Reuters.

The US Department of Commerce has not commented on the data.

The new election in France
33-year-old finance minister to tackle French budget crisis

French President Emmanuel Macron has appointed Antoine Armand as finance minister. As a 33-year-old with limited political experience, he will try to tackle France's swelling national debt in a new budget, writes Bloomberg.

Without urgent measures, France's budget deficit could grow to 6 percent, despite the EU setting a limit of 3 percent. The contradictions are great in the parliament - and the new right-leaning government risks a vote of no confidence if it treads crookedly.

According to tradition, a budget must be presented on the first Tuesday in October, but there is talk that it could be delayed by a week, writes Bloomberg.
Swedish interest rates
Economists: The interest rate will be reduced significantly - thousands of pounds to save

For those who have a home loan of one million kroner, the cost could be kroner 800 less per month next year. That's what TT writes.

Then it is expected that the Riksbank will lower the key interest rate by 1 percentage point through January, and that the banks will lower it by the same amount. For the one with a home loan of three million, the interest cost would decrease by roughly SEK 2,500 per month, calculated before the interest deduction and for loans with variable interest.

The Riksbank's future decisions still depend on how the economy develops. At the meeting this week, most analysts believe that the policy rate will be cut by at least 25 basis points.

- It is absolutely impossible to rule out that it will be 50 points, says SEB's chief economist Jens Magnusson to TT.
Housing prices
Report: Swedish housing market more difficult than neighboring countries

In a new report from Danske Bank, analysts have taken a closer look at why Sweden has higher overcrowding and homelessness than our neighboring countries, writes DI.

Neighboring countries generally had more interventions for vulnerable groups. For example, Denmark has a regulated public utility that is not for profit, the review shows. In Sweden, there are "only interest deductions and housing allowances", says Louise Landeman, head of Danske Bank's credit analysis to the newspaper.

- You can consider that if more substantial measures are not needed.

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