tisdag 10 september 2024

The climate threat|Global challenges

Emissions of methane gas are increasing – despite promises of reductions

The potent greenhouse gas methane is increasing at an ever faster rate in the atmosphere – despite international pledges for reductions, a new study shows. It threatens the climate goals, writes the Washington Post.

In the last 20 years, the amount of methane gas has increased by 20 percent, according to the study by the Global Carbon Project, a group of researchers that tracks greenhouse gas emissions on an annual basis.

- Methane has increased much more and much faster than carbon dioxide, says lead author Rob Jackson to AP.

The absolute largest part of the increase is linked to human activity and only a smaller part to natural emissions from, for example, wetlands.
Close to 200 climate activists murdered worldwide in 2023

For the second year in a row, Colombia tops the list of countries where the most climate activists are murdered, writes German DW. 79 activists were killed in the country in 2023.

Worldwide, almost 200 climate activists were murdered, according to a report from the organization Global Witness. Latin America is the most dangerous region with 85 percent of the 196 murders.

In addition to murder, activists are also subjected to kidnapping. In addition, they are silenced by legislation in several countries. Here, the report also highlights western countries where the situation for climate activists has become tougher in recent years.
Pacific islands want to equate "ecocide" with genocide

Vanuatu, Fiji and Samoa want widespread environmental destruction to become a crime on par with genocide and war crimes. That's what The Guardian writes.

On Monday, the three Pacific countries submitted a proposal to the International Criminal Court, ICC, where they propose changing the rules to recognize "ecocide" as a crime.

If the proposal becomes a reality, it may become possible to prosecute individuals who have caused extensive environmental destruction.

Law professor Philippe Sands is absolutely certain that the ICC will agree to the proposal.

- The only question is when.

The Guardian notes that the ICC will debate the proposal at a later date but that it will probably be a few years before it becomes a reality – if at all. 


Autumn weather
"Abnormally warm" and fire risk in northern Norway

Narvik has had a tropical night and on Monday a new heat record for September was set in Tromsø, 23.4 degrees. VG reports on heat in Northern Norway at the same time as large amounts of rain fall in the southern parts of the country.

- While they are almost drowning in the south, it is abnormally hot in Northern Norway, says meteorologist Sigrid Auganæs to the Norwegian newspaper.

According to the weather service Yr, there is also a risk of fire in the northernmost parts of the country.

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